Associative memory

Memories can sometimes suddenly remind oneself. Impressions that we receive about the surrounding world, leave a certain trace, are fixed, and if necessary, and opportunities - are reproduced. This process is called memory. The associative memory of a person is a connection between ideas and circumstances with each other. Read more about this.

Not so simple

The associative theory of memory has been studied for a long time and certain principles have emerged in the course of its evolution. They received the name of the principles of association, are widespread in psychology. They can be represented in three groups:

It is interesting that individual elements of information are stored, stored and reproduced not separately from each other, but in certain logical, structural-functional and semantic associations with other objects and phenomena. As a rule, some memories entail others. In the same way, scientists managed to establish the fact that human memory is selective in the choice of information and can itself, unconsciously, change and "refine" what the person has remembered. This explains why after a certain time we can not recall any fragments from life. Either memoirs are incomplete, or unexpected details and details come up at all.

We train the memory

The development and training of associative memory will be effective using the following methodology:

  1. Remember a number of words not related to each other in meaning: man, cow, fan, bread, teeth, bride, car, computer, salary, horse, table, child, neighbor, city, tops, president, vacuum cleaner, tree, river, bazaar.
  2. Try to associate words in an associative sequence. Imagine a man in a meadow. He is tall and thin, reading a book. The second word in the sequence is a cow. Try to imagine a grazing cow with an unusual bright color next to the person. The more imaginative the images are, the easier it will be to memorize them. Each "picture" must be mentally kept seconds 4-5. Next we introduce a fan, etc. After processing five images, you need to re-work them and continue training.

Immediately repeat the entire sequence you, of course, will not work. Do not be discouraged, because in the process of constant training you will be able to achieve an ideal result. Patience and work, as they say.