Sputum in the throat does not pass

Sputum is a secret that is secreted by the tracheobronchial tree during expectoration. The composition of this substance includes saliva, as well as liquids that penetrate into it from the nasal mucosa and adjacent sinuses. Usually soon after recovery, the secret that has already been isolated is removed, and the new one ceases to be developed. But it also happens that phlegm in the throat does not go away for a long time. It creates a lump effect, which gives the patient a lot of discomfort. It seems that she is about to cough up and spit out, but all attempts are futile.

Causes of persistent phlegm in the throat

Slime with sputum is formed in order to protect the respiratory tract from infection and damaging agents. This happens when:

As a rule, sputum is not passed in the throat when it becomes too thick. Lead to this can:

Than to treat a phlegm in a throat which for a long time does not pass or take place?

The first stage of therapy is traditionally to determine the cause of the problem. If you do not eliminate it, unpleasant symptoms will appear again and again. Find out why the sputum thickened, it's not so easy on your own, so you'll definitely have to pass tests and get advice from the ENT.

To thick mucus quickly came out of the throat, you need to dilute it. That is, it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid in the sputum. And then it will be much easier to expectorate. To do this, first of all, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed. A person weighing 70 kg a day should drink at least two liters of water, tea, juices, compotes, mineral water, fruit drinks.

It is necessary to prevent the drying of mucus during the treatment of persistent phlegm in the throat. To do this, lower the temperature of the air in the room - it should not be above 22 degrees. In addition, you need to gargle, make soda inhalation, if possible, wash your nose with herbs, mineral water, and carry out instillations with moisturizers and oil.

Those who have sputum in the throat with a cough do not go too long, experts recommend dieting: to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables and less dairy flour. Do not benefit and too cold or spicy dishes. It is also desirable to refuse them.

Slime can also be diluted with the help of special medications:

sodium bicarbonate;

Among other things, the drugs will contribute to improving the efficiency of ciliary epithelium and activating the contractility of the bronchi. But that all means work, it is necessary to maintain the proper level of fluid in the body.

To say clearly, after how many days will sputum in the throat after the start of therapy, no one can. On average, recovery takes from a couple of days to a week. But depending on the condition of the patient and the complexity of the ailment, the duration of treatment can vary.