Immunomodulators - benefit or harm?

Now, self-medication is becoming more common, especially given the many drugs sold without a prescription. Recently, we often thoughtlessly acquire immunomodulators, the benefit or harm of which does not become a subject of discussion with the doctor.

Immunomodulators - Pros and Cons

First of all, it should be understood that immunity is a balance of two different types of cell links. Some of them contribute to an increase in temperature in places of infection and the development of inflammation. Similarly, pathogenic bacteria die without spreading to organs and blood. Others are proteins that, at the right time, prevent the continuation of the inflammatory process and activate the defenses of the body.

If there is a violation of the described balance, it makes sense to talk about autoimmune pathologies, and in this case, the immunomodulator can correct the situation. But, as a rule, artificial correction of immunity is necessary only for the treatment of very serious diseases, for example, AIDS, HIV, malignant tumors. Sometimes it is required after transplantation of internal organs in order to avoid rejection.

Without having evidence to take the drugs in question and, moreover, without the appointment of a doctor, they should not be used. This can significantly disrupt the existing balance of the cell links and lead to the development of a serious autoimmune disease.

What are the dangerous immunomodulators?

Let's consider in more detail, what are dangerous immunomodulators, and what harm they can cause an organism.

The described group of drugs, in addition to stimulating or suppressing immunity, affects the structure of DNA. A person who does not have serious reasons for correcting the defenses of the body and taking specialized medications risks to so violate the natural balance that will contribute to self-medication progression of the viruses. A strong immunomodulator can lead to severe, sometimes irreversible, consequences, one of which is the exhaustion of immunity, which is very difficult to correct.

Immunomodulators - contraindications

Diseases in which the drugs in question can not be used: