Borshevik Sosnovsky

In the middle of the 20th century, a plant intended for the feeding of cattle was artificially cultivated. But Sorsnovsky's cow-breamer was very toxic and showed properties that do not allow him to use it in agriculture. But the high concentration of essential oils in the stems and leaves of perennial grass was useful in traditional and folk medicine.


In total there are 42 types of cow-breamers of the Umbrella family. Its various types are used for decorative breeding, like silage crops or raw materials for the manufacture of medicines.

Borshevik Sosnovsky refers to cultivated plants, which multiply exclusively by seed. It is quite hardy and grows well even in harsh weather conditions.

One of the peculiarities of this kind of cowweed is high honey-bearing due to large and numerous inflorescences attracting bees.

Than the cow-bearer is dangerous?

The type of plant described contains in its juice furanokumariny - phototoxic substances. They are activated by exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Thus, if a person gets into the skin, the liquid from the leaves, fruits and stalk of the cowweed can cause severe dermatological damage. The main danger lies in the fact that the effects of penetration of furanocoumarins do not appear immediately, and there are no unpleasant sensations like, for example, when touched with nettle.

Moreover, the mutagenic effect produced by the plant is established. Juice causes gross and irreversible structural disorders in chromosomes.

Borshevik - consequences

As a rule, after skin contact with the grass juice, photochemical burns appear after 1-2 days, especially if the affected part of the body was exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Burns from hogweed can be quite extensive and serious, from 1 to 3 degrees. Even cases of subsequent disability are registered because the juice has a high penetrating ability and burns deep layers of the skin (dermis, subcutaneous tissue).

If contact with the plant was short-lived, then usually there is dermatitis, which runs independently for several days.

Borshevik - treatment

With the first noticeable symptoms of skin damage, it is important:

  1. Rinse the burnt areas with plenty of a mild cool soda solution.
  2. Lubricate the damaged epidermis by any means from burns or fat cream without synthetic additives. In an extreme case, vegetable oil will do.
  3. The first 3 days of treatment should be treated with Fukorcin burns (twice a day).
  4. For 5 days in the morning and evening lubricate the affected skin with Fenistil, Elokom or Advantan.
  5. Take the entire course of therapy Tavegil - 1 capsule before bedtime.

Borshevik - useful properties and application

Despite the above-described toxic effects of the plant, it is used in the following areas:

The use of Sosnovsky's cowworm in pharmacology is due to his following properties:

Therefore, the plant in question is used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritic pain, gout.

Dermatology widely uses decoctions of leaves, inflorescences and stems of the cow grouse for the treatment of various dermatitis, dermatoses, neurodermatitis , eczema, furunculosis and other purulent skin rashes.