How many calories are cooked in potatoes?

Boiled potatoes are one of the simplest and affordable garnishes. There are many recipes for cooking boiled potatoes. It can be prepared in a uniform, or boiled without peel, can be mashed or served with slices. You can add milk and butter in the mashed potatoes, or you can simply make mashed potatoes on the water. From the way it is prepared depends not only the calorie content of the dish, but also its useful qualities.

Useful properties of boiled potatoes

In boiled potatoes a fairly rich mineral composition. It contains potassium, which normalizes water metabolism, acts as a diuretic and supports the work of the heart. Most potassium is contained in the peel of potatoes, so the potato in the uniform has some advantages in its useful properties.

Potatoes are rich in vitamin C , which makes this product important in the prevention of colds and hypovitaminosis. That vitamin C is maximally preserved in boiled potatoes, potatoes can not be boiled for a long time in highly boiling water.

The presence of B and PP vitamins improves the nervous system, normalizes the skin condition. These vitamins go into the water when cooking, so do not pour a large amount of water.

How many calories are cooked in potatoes?

Caloric content of boiled potatoes depends on the method of its preparation and the presence of additional ingredients in the recipe. Caloric content of boiled potatoes on water without oil is 82 kcal per 100 grams of product. Caloric content of potato boiled with butter varies depending on the amount of added ingredient. One tablespoon of butter contains 104 kcal. But the caloric content of boiled potatoes in a uniform is less than that of boiled potatoes without skins and is only 68 kcal.