Than red gooseberry is useful?

Gooseberries are a perennial, multi-stemmed shrub with a long fruiting and high yield - up to 20 kg from one bush. It began to grow in Russia in the XV century.

Than red gooseberry is useful?

The fruits of gooseberry are actively used for metabolic disorders. The use of this berry is useful in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, with frequent chronic constipation. Gooseberries are very useful in diseases of the kidney and urinary system.

Ripe berries, due to the fact that they have such a substance as serotonin , have anti-tumor properties. They are valuable for strengthening blood vessels. Gooseberry berries are often consumed in fresh condition and processed into jams, compotes, jam, jujube, and also various juices.

Red gooseberries - a useful berry

Red gooseberries can be planted in spring and winter, but it is best in autumn, as planted plants manage to take good care of in the fall and form new young roots. Red oriental gooseberry is frost-resistant, resistant to various diseases of the fruit, its shoots are almost without thorns.

The berries of red gooseberries are rich in vitamin C, A, B vitamins and vitamin P. This berry also contains many macro- and microelements: cobalt, zinc, magnesium, sodium , potassium, iodine.

Joshta is a hybrid of currants and gooseberries. Among its useful properties: