Face burn

In summer, most women tend to acquire a beautiful even tan as early as possible, and already from the very morning they take places under the scorching sun, risking getting a face burn.

These injuries also occur for other reasons. Depending on their origin, they are classified into thermal, chemical and electrical varieties. For each type of damage, special therapy is used.

How to get rid of a thermal burn on the face?

Treatment of superficial injuries:

  1. Treat the burn with a solution of ammonia (0.5%), soap foam or isotonic solution (0.9%).
  2. Apply creams with a cooling effect, for example, a mixture of lanolin, peach oil and distilled water (1: 1: 1).
  3. Lubricate wounds with disinfectant ointments with corticosteroid hormones.

In case of deep damage, it is necessary:

  1. Eliminate pain ( analgesics , novocain blockades).
  2. Prevent infectious disease by taking antibiotics.
  3. Introduce antitetanus preparations - serum and anatoxin.
  4. Perform gentle surgical burn therapy (cut off blisters and flaps of skin torn off).
  5. Treat the injury site with alcohol, ether, antiseptics, hydrogen peroxide.
  6. After draining the skin, apply liniment of synthomycin (5-10%), furacilin (0.5%) or gentamicin (0.1%) ointment every 4-6 hours to the wounds.
  7. When the damaged tissue is completely removed, continue therapy under the bandage.
  8. Apply oil-balsamic compresses that accelerate the healing process.
  9. Disinfect the skin, carry out physiotherapy (UV radiation).
  10. If necessary, prescribe a plastic surgery.

If there is a radiation thermal burn (sunny), it is enough to lubricate the skin with preparations containing neutral fats and soothing effect.

What to do with a chemical burn of the face?

First aid in the situation in question:

  1. Remove chemicals from the face - rinse with running water for 15-40 minutes. If the burn has occurred from contact with aluminum oxide, you do not need to do this.
  2. Disinfect the damaging agent. When traumatizing with acid, a soapy or soda solution (2%). For the neutralization of alkalis - an aqueous solution of citric acid or vinegar.
  3. Further treat the burn in the same way as thermal damage.

Treatment of electric burns of the face

This is the most dangerous type of injury, therefore, immediately after disconnecting the source of electric current and stabilizing the patient's condition, you need to see a doctor. You may need hospitalization and anti-shock treatment.