Gel for gums

The gums are very delicate mucous membranes of the oral cavity (parodontium), which protects the cervix and the roots of the teeth from infection with bacteria and infection. But sometimes, mainly because of non-observance of rules of personal hygiene, the periodontium is exposed to various diseases and damages.

Gel for the treatment of gums

Many funds of this category are preventive or auxiliary.

Directly therapeutic effect has a small number of gels, among them the most popular is Solcoseryl. This drug has pronounced disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, Solcoseryl has the following effects:

Cooling Gel for Gums

When teething wisdom teeth in adults, as well as during the growth of teeth in children, the gum often bruises and bleeds. In such cases, a cooling gel for analgesia of the gums with lidocaine in the composition. This tool has a mild anesthetic effect and removes the swelling of the tissues surrounding the tooth. Popular gels:

  1. The kamistad.
  2. Holisal.
  3. Calgel.

Anti-inflammatory gel for gums

The acute course of such diseases as gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis is accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process. The most effective means is the gel Metrogil Denta. The composition of this drug allows:

To treat periodontal diseases in children it is recommended to use Holisal. This gel helps and from inflammation of the gums, and has an antimicrobial effect on the surface of tissues.

Gel for strengthening of gums

Prevention of oral diseases is of great importance in the prevention of periodontal disease. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to use a strengthening gel for gums. This will protect the teeth from the appearance of a microbial attack on them and the spread of infection on the gums.

Effective gels:

  1. Asepta.
  2. The president.
  3. Racal.

Gel from bleeding gums

For the correct choice of a suitable remedy, you must first determine the cause of bleeding. If the decisive factor is an infectious or inflammatory disease of the gum, it is necessary to use:

  1. Metrogil Denta.
  2. Solcoseryl.
  3. The Parodium.

In case of increased sensitivity of gums or inappropriate toothbrush, it is enough to use soft preventive balms and gels:

  1. Forest Balm.
  2. Silka.
  3. Lakalut.
  4. The president.

Gel for retraction of gums

During dental procedures, sometimes it is necessary to retract the gums - push the edge of the tissue away from the root of the tooth and reduce its volume. This is necessary to protect the gums from damage during the operation of the drill or fixing the prosthesis. The most effective remedy is considered to be the special drug Retragel. He pushes the edge of the gum from the tooth and helps stop the bleeding. In addition, the gel contains antiseptic components, which prevents the infection of tissues.

Gel for healing and analgesia of gums

In principle, all the listed products have a wound-healing effect, especially in case of damage due to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Accidental abrasions and minor wounds on the gums heal faster with the help of Metrogil Dent and the Parodium gel. Any discomforting sensation during cleaning of the teeth and oral cavity will be helped by any anti-inflammatory gel from pain in the gums with a cooling effect.