How to draw a dragon?

Bizarre mythical creatures are dragons. Since ancient times they excite the imagination of children and adults. Dragons are heroes of Russian folk tales and legends, as well as characters of modern fantasy films. A special place is given to these creatures in Eastern mythology. For example, the Chinese glorified the dragon, suggesting that it has a good beginning. In ancient times in the East the dragon was associated with fertility, spring rains, life force. And now adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui, are confident that the green Chinese dragon is a talisman of well-being and abundance. In turn, the Slavs and Europeans believed that the dragon is the bearer of evil or the devil's messenger.

How to draw a cartoon dragon to a small child?

Whatever it was, and nowadays fairy tales and cartoons about dragons are interesting to children. That is why our today's master class will be devoted to the topic of how to easily draw a pencil of a beautiful dragon in pencil.

Example 1

Of all the variety of lizard-like images, the smallest artists like cute and friendly cartoon dragons who, unlike their more realistic relatives, are endowed with positive qualities. Therefore, in order not to frighten the crumbs with horrible pictures, let's begin our creative process with recreating the images of cartoon characters. So, your attention is detailed instruction how to step by step draw a little funny little dragon in pencil:

  1. Initially, our task is to correctly draw the contours of the body and head. So look at the picture and try to repeat the bends and keep the proportions.
  2. Now we will deal with a more detailed drawing of the head.
  3. Next, we begin to draw the body: the neck, chest, tail and the front paw with claws.
  4. After that, smoothly draw the femoral part and add the missing paws.
  5. Our last strokes are thorns and wings.
  6. Here, actually, our first cartoon dragon is ready.

Next, we give a few small step-by-step instructions, as the younger children depict beautiful and kind dragons - heroes of animation.

How to draw a beautiful dragon to older children?

Example 2

How many legends and myths are associated with the Chinese dragon. If your crumb also got to know this character, then you have a great opportunity to surprise him. You can invite the kid to draw a Chinese dragon together, and how to do it we will now tell.

  1. As well as the last time, we will give due attention to drawing contours.
  2. Now we will correct the shape of the head and outline the common features of the face.
  3. Let's add a few details.
  4. Then concentrate on the trunk, paws and tail.
  5. Be sure to draw our dragon scales.
  6. Now we add bright colors and we can assume that our dragon is ready (traditionally the Chinese dragon is painted in red or blue colors).

Example 3

In order not to offend and interest the older audience, which is not surprising with the picture of the terrible fire-breathing dragon, we offer you the next master class.

  1. Draw the outlines of our dragon: two approximately identical circles in the center of a sheet of paper, a circle of smaller diameter in the upper left corner and two smooth winding lines, as shown in the photo.
  2. Next, let's take a look at the details of the head and neck.
  3. Now draw the outline of the front paws and the upper contour of the wing.
  4. After that, focus on the forelimbs, draw the trunk, wings and tail.
  5. To dragon looked believable, draw the ring segments on the chest and the tip of the tail.
  6. Add a few spots and you can consider the sketch ready.

Example 4

Our next instruction tells how to draw a Chinese dragon for older children.

  1. First of all draw a circle for the head, a long wavy line for the body and guides for the legs.
  2. Next, look carefully at the photo, and draw the details of the head.
  3. Our next step is the trunk and limbs.
  4. Now we will finish the tail with a fluffy brush.
  5. Wipe the auxiliary lines, eliminate errors and decorate. Here we have such a nice dragon.