Thermal burns

Thermal refers to burns obtained by contact with heat sources. And there are enough of them in the house: an iron, a saucepan, a steamer, hot water, a plate and many other things that are indispensable in everyday life, which can cause pain in inaccurate treatment.

Degrees of thermal burns

Before treating a thermal burn, it is necessary:

There are 4 degrees of thermal burns, to be able to determine which each person should:

The area of ​​the affected skin with thermal burns can be calculated according to the "rule of the palm", according to which 1% of the surface of the body falls on the area of ​​the palm of one hand.

Emergency aid for thermal burns

The procedure for providing first aid for thermal burns is logical and simple:

Be careful!

It is worth remembering that properly rendered first aid for thermal burns is the key to a rapid restoration of tissues with a minimum risk of scarring and scarring.

You can not:

Treatment of thermal burns

Burns of 1 degree can be treated at home. Extensive lesions of 2-4 degree require therapy under the supervision of a physician.

Home treatment involves changing dressings twice a day with the application of an anti-burn agent. The lesion can be treated with hydrogen peroxide (3%), the skin around the burn with iodine or zelenka. On the wound is applied a remedy for thermal burns and a sterile gauze dressing.