What to do with a toothache?

Toothache of very few people in life passed. An excruciating sharp or exhausting dull pain in the gums dislodges a person from the usual rut. Of course, an early visit to the dentist is the best way out, but what about the acute toothache that arose, for example, at night or while you are on the train? We offer the most effective ways to get rid of pain.

What to do if you have a strong toothache?

If the tooth is very sore, first of all it is necessary to clean the oral cavity, remove the remnants of food stuck in the teeth. Then you should rinse your mouth with one of the formulations:

  1. Soda solution. A teaspoon of baking soda is bred in half a glass of warm water.
  2. Saline solution. 3 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea salt) dissolve in a glass of water.
  3. Broth of oak bark. 2 tablespoons of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to infuse.
  4. Tincture of propolis on alcohol. 2 teaspoons of tincture is added to a glass of warm water.
  5. Clove oil.

Rinse your mouth periodically, as the pain increases.

What should I do if I have acute toothache?

Sharp pain in the tooth is very difficult to maintain. The sensation is as if a thin drill pierces the gum, reaching the brain.

The most tried and tested method for sudden acute pain is vodka. This does not mean that an alcoholic drink should be drunk for pain relief. It is enough, having taken a sip, to hold a few minutes of vodka in your mouth. Thus, it is possible to disinfect the inflamed area and carry out local anesthesia.

Other methods of combating acute pain are also effective:

  1. Ground garlic. Kashitsu, obtained from a single denticle, is applied to the diseased gum, fixed from above with a piece of gauze and clamped with teeth. Typically, after 10 minutes, intense pain subsides.
  2. Lard. A small slice of fat is clamped between the tooth and cheek.

What if the dental nerve hurts?

If the dental nerve is affected , it means that the inflammatory process has spread to the pulp. The tooth is unbearable at the same time. Postpone the visit to the doctor does not make sense, but you can stand several hours if you take one of the pain medications, for example, Ketarol or Ketanov. Also, a piece of the tablet can be placed in the tooth hole. For this purpose,

What to do with a toothache that has arisen under the crown?

Pain in the tooth under the crown is a serious symptom, which also requires an immediate appeal to a specialist. To facilitate the condition before visiting a doctor, you can take a non-steroid medication. In the presence of flux, it is also desirable to drink an antibiotic. And yet within the next few hours one must get to the dentist, who will prescribe treatment on the basis of an X-ray image of the tooth. Otherwise, osteomyelitis can develop - a serious disease with bone tissue damage.

What to do with toothache in children?

A very strong toothache in a child is an unpleasant surprise, and the question of what to do in this case is very significant for parents. Toddlers do not tolerate painful feelings, and complications arise more often. Assistance to the child will be as follows: he is allowed to rinse his mouth with a disinfectant without a sharp odor and pronounced taste, for example, infusion of chamomile, sage. You can give a drink to a medicinal product intended for children:

A rather effective anesthetic method is massage of active points. The top of the earlobe from the patient's tooth is massaged with the pads of the fingers for 5 minutes.

Attention! It is forbidden to warm up a sick tooth, since the inflammatory process is aggravated with increasing temperature. This leads not only to increased pain, but also to the risk of spreading inflammation to surrounding tissues.