Massage for a child - 1 month

At each newborn baby at close examination it is possible to find the raised tonus of muscles. This is especially true for premature babies, as well as for those who received a severe birth trauma. With a favorable development of events, the physiological tone disappears to about 3 months.

That the child could successfully master new skills and improve them in the future, loving and caring parents should help him in this. If the crumb does not have congenital diseases, correct massage for a short time will eliminate the increased muscle tone and allow it to fully and comprehensively develop.

What is useful for a massage for a baby in 1 month?

Under the influence of massage sessions, which the mother does to her newborn child at the age of about 1 month, the following occurs:

When can I not massage a baby in 1 month?

For carrying out of massage in house conditions there are certain contraindications, namely:

In all cases, before a massage, such a small child should consult a doctor.

How to massage a baby in 1 month?

During the massage, be calm and talk constantly with the baby in a soft and soft voice. To achieve the maximum possible effect, observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Start with the handles. Massage each finger separately, press out the cams and stroke the inside of the hands. Make soft stroking movements and gradually rise higher, but do not touch the armpits.
  2. Shake your child in the position of the "embryo". With one hand, grab your hands and feet, and the other - press the head of the crumbs to the chest.
  3. Do a stroking massage on your knees.
  4. Slightly massage the feet of your son or daughter and draw "eight" on them several times.
  5. The next stage is a tummy massage. First, stroke it from the sides, and then move the palm clockwise.
  6. Walk the finger around the navel several times.
  7. Bend the baby's legs in the knees, gently press it to the stomach and spread it apart. Repeat this movement 5-6 times.
  8. Put the crumb on the stomach and stroke his back from the neck to the butt, and then - from the spine to the sides.