Hemorrhagic vasculitis

The entire human body is permeated with small blood vessels - capillaries. Hemorrhagic vasculitis leads to their defeat and, accordingly, the violation of blood circulation in the skin tissue, joints, internal organs. The disease often causes an increase in the coagulability of the biological fluid, the formation of thrombi.

Causes of hemorrhagic vasculitis

The factor that provokes Shenlaine-Henoch disease is aseptic inflammation of microvessels and their walls due to the settling of circulating immune complexes on them. They appear in the blood for the following reasons:

Symptoms of hemorrhagic vasculitis

There are several forms of the disease, for which the relevant clinical manifestations are characteristic.

Signs on the skin:

Symptoms of joint damage:

At the same time, the mobility and functionality of the joints are preserved, and there is no deformation.

Abdominal syndrome:

In rare cases, there are lesions of the kidneys, lungs and nervous system.

The most common varieties of the disease are the first and second, which often occur in a mixed form.

Treatment of cutaneous and dermal-articular form of hemorrhagic vasculitis

Therapy consists of three main purposes:

First of all, disaggregants are recommended:

It is also necessary to use anticoagulant Heparin, which, as a rule, is prescribed in combination with Prednisolone.

When the skin-joint syndrome is expressed and the inflammatory process is activated, in addition to glucocorticosteroid therapy, plasmapheresis (5-6 sessions) can be used.

Diet with hemorrhagic vasculitis

The diet should be absolutely hypoallergenic. It should be deleted:

All fruits and vegetables should be heat treated, limit the amount of salt, sugar and spices, sauces.

Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis with folk remedies

The basis of non-traditional therapeutic methods is the purification of blood and gastrointestinal tract.

Infusion of badana thick-leafed:

  1. Dry and grind the leaves of the plant.
  2. Mix the raw materials (2 tablespoons) with 200 ml of boiling water and pour the solution into a thermos bottle.
  3. Leave to infuse in the container for the whole night.
  4. Strain, drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Strong green tea:

  1. Prepare a solution of 2 teaspoons of raw materials (no additives) and half a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist 10 minutes.
  3. Drink after eating, volley, in a warm state.
  4. Repeat at least 3 times a day.