Halva - calorie content

Halva is a very ancient oriental delicacy. For the first time it began to be prepared in Iran, in the 5th century BC. The art of cooking halva was passed from father to son, and the masters who prepared this product were called kandalachi. By the way, in Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan halva is still cooked by hand, and this is the best halva.

At first glance, the principle of making this product is simple: you need to mix a caramel mass (honey, molasses or sugar), a protein base (most often seeds or nuts) and what forms a stable foam (licorice root, egg yolk, soap root). But everything is not so simple - you need to guess not only the right proportions of products, but also the time, as well as the order of their mixing, to get an airy and delicate treat on the way out, and not a lumpy mass of unsightly appearance.

Types of halva

Halva is distinguished by the raw materials from which it is made. Exist:

Depending on which base is used, the calorie content of halva will also change.

How many calories in sunflower halva?

Sunflower halva is especially popular in the territory of the former USSR. They produce it usually in an industrial way, although it is easy enough to cook at home.

Halva with sunflower



In a dry frying pan fry the seeds until golden. Pour the seeds into a bowl. While they cool down, on a dry frying pan fry the flour to a light cream color. We grind the seeds with a coffee grinder or a meat grinder. Mix them with flour.

Then we prepare the syrup: for this we pour water into the pan, put it on the fire, add sugar. Stirring the syrup, cook it until it thickens a little. Then add the finished syrup and butter in a mixture of flour and sunflower seeds. We mix it well, put it into molds, and send it to the refrigerator for 5 hours. The dessert is ready.

In sunflower halva there is a lot of vitamin B1, and also contains nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and riboflavin (vitamin B2). According to the mineral composition, this sweetness is simply a record holder in terms of iron content - almost twice as much as a person's daily requirement of 100 g of product. It also contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium , sodium and phosphorus. Caloric content of sunflower halva is on average 520 kilocalories.

Caloric content of peanuts halva

Another very common type of halva is peanut halva. And there are two variants of this sweetness: tahin-peanut halva and actually peanut butter. The first is prepared from sesame, with the addition of peanuts, the caloric content of this halva is 502 kilocalories. In this product, as in sunflower halva, vitamins of group B (B1, B3), iron, magnesium and phosphorus are contained.

Made exclusively from peanuts halva, has a high caloric content: per 100 grams of the product contains 530 kcal. In this version of the eastern delicacy also contain vitamins B and iron, as well as vitamin E. In addition, peanut halva, like peanuts, is an excellent source of vegetable protein. Unfortunately, peanut is a strong allergen, so allergic people and young children need to use halva from it very carefully.

In addition, despite the rich vitamin-mineral composition, in any halva there are a lot of calories, you should not get involved with it when losing weight. However, occasionally pamper yourself with this useful and tasty treat is still possible.