How to cook manna porridge for a child?

Many parents have a question: when to give semolina to the child? Children can enter manna porridge from 5-6 months, but it is desirable that it was not the first lure. It is better to start with an apple, then introduce vegetables, and then porridge.

Some parents begin to give semolina porridge even from the bottle. To do this, you need to weld a liquid gruel, and for older children a thicker consistency is also suitable.

Recipe for semolina porridge for a one-year-old child



The semolina should be sifted well and poured into a thin trickle in boiling water (half a glass), do not forget to stir the mixture constantly so that no lumps form. Cook for about 10 minutes, then pour in another half a cup of hot milk. It remains only to bring to a boil and can be removed from the fire.

If you want to get a thick porridge, mix half a glass of water and a half glass of milk, bring to a boil and pour a tablespoon of cereal and a pinch of salt. Cook for another eight minutes and pour in some more milk. At the end, add a spoonful of sugar and butter.

Is semolina useful for children?

Now it is very common opinion that children can not have semolina porridge, but why? Manna porridge is an allergenic enough product, because of the high content of gluten in it, in another way it is called gluten. To avoid unpleasant consequences, do not give porridge to children more than once a week.

Even in semolina porridge there is a phytin, and it in turn contains phosphorus, which has the property of binding calcium salts. That is, with frequent use of porridge, your child will experience calcium deficiency. So do not get carried away, do not feed your baby with semolina. But if you give it once a week, nothing terrible will happen.