How many days can you learn about pregnancy?

The question about how to find out about pregnancy, often occurs in young women. The reason for this is the false negative results of the earlier scheduled express test. Let's take a closer look at this situation and tell you how and how many days a girl can find out that she is pregnant.

Express pregnancy test - the most common method of early diagnosis

Due to availability and low cost, this device, capable of analyzing the composition of female urine, has become very popular among those girls who suspect of their interesting situation.

Often, having a great desire to learn about the result and diagnose pregnancy, as early as possible, women conduct a study earlier than the specified time. So, according to the instructions, you can use the express pregnancy test from the first days of the delay, or not earlier than 14 days after the sexual intercourse.

When carrying out the test before the specified time, there is a high probability that the result will be inaccurate. However, some women claim that they had test results already literally 10 days after sex.

It is necessary to say that the reliability of the result obtained by this method of diagnosis is also influenced by the time of day in which the test is performed. Doctors recommend doing it in the morning, using the first portion of urine. It is very important not to use diuretics on the eve, which will lead to an increase in diuresis, and thereby reduce the concentration of hCG.

How long does it take to find out about the pregnancy that has begun with the help of a blood test for hormones?

This method of research involves the collection of blood from the vein. In the sample, the lab technician establishes the presence of a hormone such as hCG. It begins to be synthesized practically on 3-4 days from the moment of conception and every day its concentration only grows.

To conduct such a study can be no earlier than 7-10 days from the expected date of conception. This method of diagnosis is not very popular due to the fact that the woman's visit to the clinic is supposed. Moreover, not all health facilities have the opportunity to conduct such a study.

How many weeks can you find out about pregnancy using ultrasound?

This method is the most accurate; It involves examining the reproductive organs for the presence of a fetal egg. It is formed already literally 3 weeks after conception. It is better to conduct the study in a transvaginal way, i.e. through the vagina.

With the help of ultrasound, as early as week 5, the doctor can evaluate the state of the embryo, exclude abnormalities in its development.

After how many days a woman can find out that she is pregnant by visiting a gynecologist?

Experienced doctors can determine the state of pregnancy even with an external examination of the woman, palpation of the abdomen. During the examination in the gynecological chair, starting from about 3 weeks, the doctor can detect a discoloration of the cervix mucosa (cervix). It acquires a bluish hue, although it is usually pink. This is due to the increase in the number of small blood vessels in it, and an increase in blood flow.

Thus, it follows from the foregoing that the earliest time to learn about the beginning of pregnancy can be with the help of a blood test for hCG. However, it should be noted that the most accurate method of diagnosis is ultrasound. This once again confirms the fact that during gestation, ultrasound is the main type of examination, allowing you to assess the condition of the fetus, while not affecting the development of the baby.