Alaskan Malamute and Husky - difference

Two Siberian breeds of Husky sled dogs and Alaskan Malamute were bred by the Eskimos. Strong and tireless dogs Alaskan Malamute served to carry heavy loads, and most importantly the dignity of the husky is an easy and fast running. And although they belong to the same species, there is a big difference between them.

Alaskan Malamute and Husky - difference in appearance

Malamute is a powerful dog with a well developed musculature. The structure of the husky is more proportionate. The expression of the muzzle of the malamute is always benevolent, but the Husky is like a cunning nonsense fox.

Huskies have beautiful blue almond-shaped eyes, black or brown nose. The dog's fluffy tail is down. The color of the coat is white, black-white or gray-brown.

A distinctive feature of the exterior of the malamute is the presence of a black stroke around the brown eyes of the dog. The lips and nose are black, and the tail is straight and raised. Malamute wool is more often gray-black.

Malamute Alaskan and Husky - differences in character and care

The difference between malamute and husky is also evident in their characters. The Husky dog ​​is affectionate and friendly, loves playing with children. She is independent, sometimes even unnecessary, which can hinder her training.

Malamute is a true intellectual. An attentive master often determines the mood of a dog's muzzle. Gently loves children and communicates with them on an equal footing. Barking malamute very rarely, more often you can hear his grumbling.

If you like clean dogs that do not have an unpleasant smell, then choose the Husky . In food, it is not fastidious. For a good development of the Husky, you need a constant physical load.

But malamute is a lover of food, and this love sometimes leads to sad consequences. Therefore, his diet should be carefully monitored by the owner. Malamute likes to dig in the ground, remember this, letting him take a walk in the garden.