
In today's world, where people have to spend most of their free time at work, the feeling of fatigue has become painfully familiar to a large part of the adult population. At the same time, stress and thoughts about how to establish a personal life only aggravate the state of things.

Choosing at the weekend in the park or at sea, or slept all weekends at home, we hope to replenish the reserve of forces, but for some reason we are disappointed. Therefore, on Monday we go to work, as if yesterday only ended Friday, and there were no days off at all.

Causes of constant fatigue and ways to combat the decline of strength

The fact that a person feels broken and sleepy is sure to find a number of factors. Therefore it is worth investigating what are the causes of constant fatigue and how to deal with it.

  1. Lack of sleep at night. Not having rested in full during the night, you will feel drowsy all day long. However, you can fight it, the main thing is to know what to do when there is a strong decline in strength. Experts recommend that you protect your dream from possible interruptions. Therefore, you need to remove all communication devices, as well as the computer from the room. Teach yourself to go to bed at the same time every day, then the body will get used to the sleep schedule, and you will fall asleep as soon as the clock strikes the right time.
  2. Lack of sleep due to the syndrome of apnea. This is an insidious disease that involves periodic stopping of breathing during sleep. You, waking in dreams, most likely will not be able to notice such pauses in your breathing, but they will cause the constant decline of your strength and your thoughts about what to do in this situation. There are not so many recommendations in this case. You can help yourself by abandoning bad habits, including nutrition. It is also worth using a special device at night that supports regular breathing.
  3. Malnutrition or malnutrition . You may not believe it, but the food from fast food, because of its imbalance, can also lead to a complete decline in strength and questions about what to do to solve the problem. In addition, sitting on a strict diet, or just a little eating because of its congestion, you will also feel constant fatigue. In order not to extinguish physically and morally by lunch time, it is necessary to remember about breakfast. And, instead of hamburger and coffee, it is better to start the day with oatmeal and juice. Such a breakfast will give much more energy and does not take the body of excess forces for its digestion.
  4. Anemia. This phenomenon is very characteristic of women during pregnancy and menstruation. In addition, it can occur in people who consume few iron-containing foods. In this case, treatment and answering the question of what to do with a decline in strength, there will be an increase in iron in the diet. And, it is not necessary to resort to vitamins, since iron is contained in many natural products.
  5. Depression. To correct the situation, you should try to find peace of mind. If you can not get rid of depression on your own, consult a psychologist.
  6. Problems with the thyroid gland. If you have a disrupted thyroid function and there are signs of a decline in strength, what the doctor will tell you. Almost certainly you can say that in the beginning you will have to solve the main problem, and after that the body will restore the strength on its own.
  7. Excessive consumption of caffeine and chocolate. Sometimes you should limit yourself in nutrition. Tea, coffee, cocoa containing foods and beverages, as well as some medicines that include caffeine, should be gradually eliminated from the diet. After a while, the habitual vigorous state of the body will return to you.