Ginger - application

Gum is called fresh resin of coniferous trees. This substance is actively used in many fields of medicine. Siberians are convinced that whatever happens, gum will help, because the use of resin has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract, has a strong antibacterial effect, promotes rapid regeneration of tissues, helps to strengthen immunity and improve the body as a whole. And this is not a complete list of areas of application of sap.

The product is used as:

Application of fir

The composition of the gum of various coniferous trees is similar, therefore it was used in adjacent areas. Fir, cedar, spruce gum is approximately one third of volatile substances, on the basis of which turpentine, oxygen compounds and succinic acid are made. The rest of the product:

Such a composition causes a strong antimicrobial antibacterial effect. Ginger fir is primarily used as a remedy for suppuration, ulcers and skin diseases. Creams with oleoresin successfully fight with psoriasis and dermatitis. This is an excellent disinfectant for the oral cavity. Ginger fir is used as an analgesic for toothache, rheumatism and gout.

Internally tincture of the gum should be taken 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, externally - applied to the skin and rubbed with massage movements every time it becomes necessary. For the same purpose, you can use oleoresin oil, or cream.

Application of cedar resin

Cedarwood is the most common. Basically it is used internally in the composition of balsams and tinctures. This helps get rid of digestive problems, major cardiovascular diseases. Our distant ancestors also noticed that the cedar oleoresin well dilutes the blood. The drug is used in the treatment of thrombosis, varicose veins. Well proven in the fight against various dental and ophthalmic diseases. For the same purpose, spruce is also good.

The use of this substance is almost identical: tincture should be taken 1 teaspoon 3 times daily before meals. In the form of a compress, apply for 10-15 minutes.

Application of pine resin

As a rule, gum is not used in its pure form. Most often, the resin is added to the base vegetable oil, this allows to preserve and multiply its medicinal properties. Gum oil, application and features of this drug, practically do not differ in their characteristics from the resin itself. The use of this product without additives is not recommended. It is necessary to immediately connect it with the oil of sea-buckthorn , or other natural oil. Later, pine gum can be used for massage and treatment of skin diseases. This is an excellent antiparasitic agent. Like other types of gum, pine helps to cope with cataracts, has a strong restorative effect.