Mental maps are examples

Today our life is full of all kinds of information we need to work, study, hobbies, organize everyday life and achieve all sorts of other goals. Remembering all these huge amounts of information is almost unrealistic, which is why we are launching a variety of notebooks, diaries, in order to somehow order the daily accumulated data. However, very few people know that for drawing up plans and ordering mental chaos, it is much more effective to use the method of mental maps.

The term "mental map" was introduced by the English psychologist Tony Buzan and from the English language is literally translated as "mind map, thoughts", and means a technique thanks to which it is possible to memorize large volumes of information. To turn the flow of thoughts into something more meaningful and effective creation of mental maps occurs through an orderly plan. But not just a plan in the form of consecutive sections and paragraphs, but in the form of more interesting and fruitful schemes and drawings.

How to create a mental map?

To make a mental map you need to be guided by some rules that each person already adjusts for himself:

  1. Using a clean sheet of paper, clearly defined with the direction of creating such a map, clearly formulate the final goal and place it in the center of the picture, highlighting a special color and font;
  2. Next, from the basic concept, we assign a few arrows, each of which will end with a new thesis, between which it is also possible to establish various connections;
  3. You can use all kinds of bright colors, textures, unusual drawings, arrows, in general, creatively approach the design;
  4. Break the rules, engage in exaggerations, playful comparisons, humor - the more unusual stimuli, the better the maps will be remembered.

Examples of mental maps:

  1. For the organization of studies.
  2. To schedule the time.
  3. For learning languages.
  4. To distinguish between cases.
  5. For decision-making.
  6. To fix ideas and much, much, much more.

From the point of view of psychology, mental maps perfectly match the structure of the associative, visual and hierarchical thinking of a person. It is better if they are as individual and unique as possible.

Drawing up mental maps is a business and logical approach to any activity. Just try once to compose your own mental map to solve your problems, and you will understand how it is more convenient to develop ideas, to assimilate and reproduce the material.