Is coffee available during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a unique condition of the woman's body, which requires a future mom to revise her diet, to give up some habits and passions. It concerns also addiction to the use of coffee and coffee drinks. Let's work out together if coffee is possible during pregnancy.

Doctors unanimously assert that the need to drink coffee in the mornings and during the day does not have the most positive effect on the bearing of the child and advises either to get rid of this predilection or to reduce the amount of the drink to a minimum. The negative influence of coffee on pregnancy is, at least, that it can excite the already overloaded nervous system of a woman. This can affect the work of internal organs and the lack of normal sleep and rest. Also, the abuse of coffee drinks leads to a large amount of urine formation, the kidneys begin to work in turbo mode, which entails dehydration.

Coffee and pregnancy: what is the danger of this combination?

The constant use of this drink in an amount of 2-3 cups per day is quite capable of provoking:

Coffee in the early stages of pregnancy is quite capable of provoking a miscarriage, as it causes the tone of the muscles of the uterus . However, there are no clearly defined terms of gestation, on which the use of the drink is likely to bring the greatest harm.

Why can not coffee during pregnancy?

Like any other liquid, coffee can reach the baby through the placenta. In this case, the vessels of the body are narrowed, which prevents the normal delivery of oxygen to the fetus and the necessary substances. All this may well lead to a delay in development and oxygen starvation of the baby.

Coffee with milk during pregnancy, flavored with a fair amount of sugar, cinnamon or caramel, causes a feeling of persistent saturation and a long absence of hunger. This deprives the child and the woman of the opportunity to get nutrients along with food. In pregnancy, you can drink coffee not more than once a week, in the number of sips. And it's better to replace it with chicory.

Knowing how coffee affects pregnancy, will soon let go of one of the most popular bad habits.