Diuretic Herbs During Pregnancy

"Do no harm!" - this command of Hippocrates best suits the case when it comes to the use of phytotherapy, and diuretic herbs in pregnancy is no exception. Sometimes such a "people's" alternative can be a hundred times more dangerous than the most powerful drug treatment. Because of the insufficient study of the properties of the action and compositions of herbs, the unknown location of origin and the technology of their collection, the possibility of unpredictable side effects and even the banal improper preparation of diuretic tea, for pregnant women and their precious babies under the heart, self-medication "gifts of nature" can play a cruel joke. And whether you should risk your health and the life of unborn chicken, it's up to you.

Unfortunately, such situations as edema (gestosis) and changes in blood pressure are very characteristic of pregnancy and require the adoption of a diuretic in order to avoid the risk of developing dangerous conditions of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Knowing that it is extremely undesirable to take chemical medicines in their situation, future mothers, having heard the recommendations of "good" people, without thinking about the consequences, decide to drink diuretic folk remedies for pregnant women. But each organism is individual, and if it helped one pregnant woman, then it is not a fact that another will help: at best, there will simply not be an effect, at the worst, spontaneous abortion may occur due to uterine contraction or strengthening of its tone caused by the influence of herbs .

So all the same, can pregnant women drink natural diuretics?

The diuretic herb during pregnancy has the right to exist, but only solely on the prescription of the presenter of the doctor's pregnancy, which will prescribe really safe diuretic herbs for pregnant women, their dosage and the duration of treatment. If the doctors still recommend herbal treatment, then, as a rule, it occurs through diuretic teas during pregnancy with such permitted herbal diuretics as linden, mint, birch leaves and buds, cowberry leaves, horsetail grass, orthosiphon leaf.

In addition to these herbs, in the problem of swelling during pregnancy will help diuretic tea-infusion from flowers of chamomile, or a decoction of crushed chicory roots (1 item of a spoon of crushed raw materials is steamed 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, then the resulting chilled broth is filtered and priinimaetsya 1/3 cup to 3 times a day). In some collections may include cornflower blue (hairs, blahwat, synevetka), and it should be used with caution, since the effect of the contained cyanide component in this diuretic grass for pregnant women is very undesirable. Even when eating green celery and dill, exercise caution, despite their natural diuretic effect.

Strongly forbidden during pregnancy are strawberries, juniper fruits, parsley, bearberry leaf (bear's eye), marsh feather.

Lovely future moms, remember, the best medicine is prevention! Salt-free diet, avoiding sweets, potatoes, pasta and flour products, lean meat and fish rations, fresh vegetables and fruits, moderate consumption of liquid (up to 800 ml in the third trimester) is your child's pledge of health.