Seeing off for the army - traditions

It has long been a tradition among the people to lead a young man into the army by the whole world. And in ancient times, and in our time, the service has always been a big test. It is not known what can be expected there. Good and cheerful seeing-off, in the circle of relatives and friends, will help him to tune in to the right way.

How are you seeing off for the army?

It is necessary to make this event joyful and cheerful, so as not to upset the draftee with any trifles. At such an event all his faithful friends, classmates, acquaintances and relatives should gather. It is necessary to have fun in the army. Mom and girlfriends need to restrain themselves and not show their tears. After all, the future fighter at this point is much more difficult. He will have to leave his home for a long time and get into an unfamiliar atmosphere. The future disturbs the guy and makes you tense. Try to help him relax and calm down even for the evening.

How to arrange seeing off for the army?

Such an event is not so easy to organize. It will require a significant amount of money for a banquet and transportation costs. Everything will depend on the venue and number of guests. But you need to remember that you can not turn it into a banal feast. In addition to celebrating in a respectable restaurant or cafe, you can see off at home or at the cottage. If it passes in the summer, then the second option will even be preferable, especially if there is a forest nearby or a river, and there is an opportunity to cook shish kebabs.

Dishes for seeing off in the army can be very diverse depending on the time of year and your finances. It is necessary to prepare a dish that most loves a rookie, because he will not be able to eat them for a long time. For fun, you can cook a bowl with a pearl bar, so that everyone can try on a spoonful of army porridge. It is not necessary to "overload" the youth with alcohol, it is better to let them dance more or entertain themselves in contests. Usually they prepare for a snack a lot of salads, chicken with vegetables , fish dishes, shish kebab . Dessert and fruit will not interfere with dessert. The main thing that all was enough, and it was very tasty.

Rite of Wires to the Army

Plant in the honorary place of the draftee, so that he can see all the guests well, and with a number of parents and the most distinguished guests. The oldest of those present should say the first speech, instructing him in this glorious path. It is good, if he had previously fought or has for his service rewards. Then the rest can also give their parting words to the guy. Do not interfere here with jokes or contests, which will help fun to defuse the atmosphere. Try to pick up good music. Contemporary compositions can be diluted with old songs that are traditionally performed on wires to the army: "In two winters", "Do not cry, girl", "How my mother took me home" and Katya, beloved by everyone.

Seeing off in the army - customs

In different places there are customs and rituals associated with this event. Some ask the future soldier to hang a ribbon on the wall, symbolizing that a small part of the guy will stay here. Only he, on his arrival home, could remove the tape from the wall. In the departing bus, parents tried to throw coins. Wearing a uniform before his departure for the army in many places was considered a bad omen. Even if a friend asks to do this in order to take a picture, it is better to refuse it. Someone says that the draftee must leave the house with his back to the front. During the wires the guy is given a bite from the loaf of a piece, and the remainder is wrapped and hidden before returning from the army. The soldier himself then will get it and finish it.

The tradition is already beginning to revive, when on the eve of sending to the army his family visits the local church. Blessing the draftee on the road, everyone goes to the recruiting station. According to the old tradition, seeing off in the army ends with the return of all the parents of the guy who escorted to the house.