Why are children born with disabilities?

A healthy and cheerful child is the dream of any mom. However, in practice - not always so. Sometimes it happens that already since birth the child has developmental disorders that limit his capabilities, and sometimes become completely incompatible with life. Therefore, even before the birth of pregnant women are interested in the question of why children are born with disabilities.

What are the causes of the birth of children with disabilities?

According to statistics, about 3% of all children born in the world are born with abnormalities. However, in fact, developmental disabilities are more common. Nature is designed in such a way that, in most cases, children with developmental disorders do not appear at all; die early in the development stage. So, about 70% of all spontaneous abortions at a term of up to 6 weeks occur due to gene anomalies.

In order to understand what children are born with deviations and in what cases it happens, it is necessary to know about the possible causes of the development of violations. All of them can be conditionally divided into: external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous).

External factors include those factors that have influenced the body from the outside, have led to the development of deviations. It can be:

Among the endogenous factors in the first place are genetic anomalies. Their appearance is directly influenced by:

So, quite often, expectant mothers are interested in the question of whether a child with deviations can be born if the father is 17 years old. As already mentioned, the age of the parents has not the last influence on the development of the fetus. In view of imperfections at this age, male and female reproductive systems, the likelihood of the appearance of children with abnormalities is great.

Also, if the father is already 40 years old, a child with deviations may be born, and it does not depend on whether he has a health disorder or not. The fact is that according to studies of Western scientists, it is in men with age that the risk of anomalies of germ cells increases, which in the end can lead to deviations in children.