Pregnancy and bath

The answer to the question "whether it is possible for pregnant women to visit the bath" is far from straightforward. In order to enjoy the stay in a warm and warming bath room during the carrying out of the baby, it is necessary to observe precautions and to approach the matter wisely. In this case, the answer to the question will be positive.

Is it possible to be pregnant in a bath?

Most of the gynecologists believe that the bath is contraindicated in pregnant women. In fact, a healthy woman visiting a bath is a must. The bath for pregnant women is useful for the following reasons:

Future pregnancy and bath

It is worth noting that the bath during the planning of pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the woman's body, even on the contrary. It is believed that a visit to the sauna has a beneficial effect on the activation of the female organs during ovulation and before it. However, in the second half of the menstrual cycle, women who are expecting pregnancy and who are not yet sure of conception should refrain from hot places. Only after confirming the pregnancy the doctor should tell you how pregnant you can go to the bath.

How does the bath affect pregnancy?

The trip to the bath perfectly trains the circulatory and respiratory systems, thereby improving the blood supply of the placenta and preventing its premature aging. This serves as an excellent prophylaxis for gestosis of pregnant women, intrauterine fetal hypoxia, increased uterus tone. Most actively on the bath are the systems for removing slags and the blood. Pregnancy and bath are well combined due to the fact that steam and hot air prevent the stretch marks, often appearing in women in an interesting position. Such diseases as urticaria, pruritus and dermatotoxicosis, worsening during pregnancy, with a regular visit to the bath can regress or even disappear.

Also bath at pregnancy:

Why can not pregnant women in the bath?

Before visiting a sauna or sauna, even if you feel well, you should always consult with the gynecologist who is leading your pregnancy. Some women are banned from bathing only in the early stages of pregnancy, others - for the entire period of bearing a child.

Absolute contraindications for bathing procedures are:

A proper bath visit during pregnancy means: