Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

Treatment of thrush in pregnant women has its own peculiarities: the fact is that the use of strong antifungal drugs can adversely affect the health of the child, so it is preferable to get rid of this disease in a combined way. So, the use of folk remedies, including natural ingredients for local processing, is the most suitable method. However, to avoid the use of medications inside (if the thrush has arisen in the vagina) will not be possible: that the development of the child does not affect Candida fungus, Candidiasis must be completely eliminated from the body, which is possible only with the help of medications.

Folk methods of treatment of thrush

There are two harmless, but effective folk remedies for eliminating the symptoms of thrush: they are designed for local treatment, which relieve itching, burning and whitish curdled discharge - the most obvious signs of the disease.

Treating thrush with soda. To remove the main symptoms of thrush, dilute 1 teaspoon of water in 1 glass of water. soda. 5-6 times a day, lubricate the affected areas with this solution: use a clean cotton pad or a sterile bandage for this. Replace them every time before use, because the fungus has the property to spread to other parts of the body. In order not to cause dry skin, it can be processed 30 minutes after the procedure with baby cream.

This is a simple but effective treatment for thrush: using soda can get rid of the symptoms of the disease within 3-5 days.

Treating yeast with honey. This method is suitable only for those who do not have an allergic reaction to honey. Apply honey undiluted to affected areas for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. Do the procedure preferably 6-7 times a day to prevent the fungus from spreading.

Medicinal treatment of thrush

For the treatment of pregnant women used intravaginal suppositories, tablets and creams.

For example, the drug pimafucin is a tablet that is injected into the vagina morning and evening for 10 days. This is a non-toxic drug, so it can be used in the first trimester. However, due to its weak toxicity, it rarely saves the fungus for a long time, and the woman after some time (more often in later pregnancy) candidiasis resumes.

If the thrush appeared on the 12th week of pregnancy, it is best to use a medicine based on nystatin.

Late gestation allows the use of more effective medicines:

Before using them, you need to consult a doctor to determine the individual treatment regimen.

If the disease is acute and is not amenable to local treatment, then doctors prescribe medications, whose substances are spread throughout the body with the help of blood. They are toxic, and this is the main reason why they do not want to treat candida in pregnant women.

An important stage in the treatment of thrush is the restoration of intestinal microflora. To do this, prescribe the intake of probiotics, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. They have no contraindications and only benefit the mother's body: they increase immunity and make the flora of the intestine resistant to the development of pathogenic bacteria. Take these drugs preferably at least 15 days, optimally - 1 month.

Treatment of thrush during lactation

After childbirth, a lot of changes occur in the woman's body, and during this period thrush often occurs. One of the peculiarities of treatment of thrush after delivery is that toxic substances should not continue to enter the body, because this will change the quality of milk, on which the development of the child's immune system depends. Therefore, the treatment of candidiasis after childbirth is no different from what is prescribed in pregnancy: it is optimal to treat affected areas with natural products (honey, soda), and inside use candles or tablets, the active substances of which are not absorbed into the blood.