Gases in Pregnancy

Every future mother wants to enjoy her special position. But some unpleasant moments can bring certain inconveniences and discomfort. Gases become a frequent problem during pregnancy. In addition, gas formation may be accompanied by abdominal pain, swelling, rumbling, belching, alternating constipation and diarrhea. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what leads to this state and how to cope with it.

Causes of gases in pregnant women

Usually this condition, although it causes a lot of inconvenience, but does not pose a risk to the health of the future mother and baby. There are a number of reasons for enhanced gas generation:

  1. Hormonal restructuring. From the first days of gestation in the female body, changes begin. Gases during pregnancy in the early stages are due to an increase in the level of progesterone. It helps reduce the contractions of both the uterus and the intestine. Because of the slowing of his peristalsis, food progresses slowly, fermentation processes are activated. This process is completely physiological and is not pathology.
  2. Uterus enlargement. This is another physiological reason for this problem. The baby is growing, and with every week the uterus becomes larger. She begins to put pressure on nearby organs, which can also affect your health. In the second trimester, the gases during pregnancy are provoked by the pressure of the uterus on the intestines. Change in its location leads to disruption of the peristalsis, problems with emptying.
  3. Diseases and pathologies. Gases during pregnancy in the early and late periods can be triggered by diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, if a woman is aware of the chronic pathologies of the digestive system, she should, as soon as possible, inform the doctor about them.
  4. Also, the problem can lead to stress, wearing tight underwear, insufficient use of liquid.

How to get rid of gas during pregnancy?

To overcome the problem, a woman must necessarily walk in the fresh air. Useful physical activity, but the possibility of doing sports should be discussed with the doctor. An excellent option is to visit the pool, as swimming stimulates the work of the intestine.

Not the least role is played by food:

These tips will help future mothers to influence their condition and enjoy pregnancy.