Fetuchini with ham

Fetuchini - a widespread and well-known form of Italian pasta of a long and wide form. As in the preparation of any pasta, the most important thing that will be served to them. Especially delicious fetuchini obtained with ham, mushrooms or cheese with cream sauce .

Recipe for pasta "fettuccini" with ham



Ham cut into thin strips. Garlic is cleaned and together with onions finely shchuem cubes. Then all fry in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil until ready. Then gently pour in the broth, wait until it all evaporates, and add cream. Fettuccine is boiled separately, salt, pepper to taste, season with cooked sauce and serve the dish on the table.

Fetuccine and ham recipe



Ham cut into thin slices. Mushrooms are processed, thinly shredded. Fettuccine is boiled until half cooked, then carefully merge the water. Mushrooms pass on olive oil until the entire liquid evaporates. Then add the ham to them and lightly fry them. Next, pour the cream into a frying pan, add salt, bring to a boil and as soon as the bubbles appear, lay out the fettuccine. Sprinkle pasta with ham with spices, Italian herbs and mix. When serving, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Fettuccine with ham in creamy sauce



So, take a large pot, boil water in it, add some salt and carefully put it into it our paste, periodically, stirring. Ready fettuccine is thrown in a colander and leave to drain, not rinsing the product. Mushrooms, ham and onions are crushed and passaged until half cooked on a warmed vegetable oil until half cooked. Then pour into this mass of sour cream and simmer all the minutes 3. In a separate bowl we mix the butter with cream, bring it to a low boil to a boil, add spices and grated cheese. The sauce is thoroughly mixed until the cheese is completely melted. Now lay out the fettuccine on the plates, put the mushrooms and ham on top and water the cheese sauce abundantly.