Dream Interpretation - Blood and Interpretations of Bloody Dreams

Blood continuously flows through the veins, delivering oxygen and useful substances to every cell of the body. Blood is energy and vitality, and in a dream can be a symbol of vitality and passion. "Bloody" dreams with elements of cruelty can testify to emotional shock and release of repressed anger. Such dreams can persecute those who are victims of violence in a "waking" state.

What does the blood dream about?

Blood in a dream reflects a part of the personality or sphere of life that loses energy. In the case when a dream is associated with a loss of blood. To see blood in a dream after a catastrophe, a car accident, a gunfight or a fight suggests:

For example, getting bleeding wounds in a car accident on the way to a working office, indicates that:

  1. Your project at work is not very successful;
  2. There was an incident with colleagues, leading to frustration.

Splashes of blood on the walls or blood dripping from the ceiling foreshadow a difficult situation. In such a dream it is important to pay attention to what room everything is going on, it will give a hint on what moments of life it is worth concentrating on:

  1. If the blood stain is on the kitchen wall, think about nutrition problems, pay attention to the health of the digestive system.
  2. Traces of blood in the bathroom reflect personal concerns and health problems associated with hygiene.
  3. Blood in the bedroom and on the bed indicates issues that need to be addressed, in your marriage or romantic relationships.

Why dream of a pool of blood?

A lot of blood in a dream warns - you need to worry about your own protection and focus on your health. Huge blood puddles in a dream talk about:

What does the blood of the finger dream?

Bleeding in a dream is associated with suffering and emotional exhaustion. Dreams about the loss of blood are a part of a person's life, which loses strength and cheerfulness. The part of the body that bleeds symbolizes a particular area of ​​activity. If you dream about blood from your finger, it means:

If you are dreaming that your fingers are cut or chopped off and blood is flowing from them, this can mean anxiety and doubt about your ability to perform some task that is facing you now in real life. A well-known psychotherapist who paid much attention to the study of dreams, Sigmund Freud, assumed that the blood from the finger in a dream:

Why does the nose bleed?

If the blood was a dream from the nose , then this body signals a bad treatment with it. Even if in real life, no external or appreciable damage was seen, the body believes that you have treated it badly. A dream of nosebleed is a kind of body method to warn a person to be more careful in handling it. Perhaps, in recent times you:

In addition to such direct symbolism, dreams of blood from the nose also have a metaphorical meaning. Bloody nose dreams of people who are in a state of change - the blood from the nose often goes to high altitude, so these dreams indicate the desire to move forward and have already completed victories. And the changes in real life have been rapid, and it takes time to get used to the new.

What does the blood from his mouth dream about?

If you have blood in your mouth and bloody lips, this is your body, as in the case with the nose, says that you are hurting him. Such dreams are a warning - it is worth keeping malicious activity, stop putting your health at risk. For you, it may seem completely harmless, for example, a glass of wine every evening or a couple of bottles of beer every weekend, but the body already signals that there is still a little chance of becoming an alcoholic. Often people do not attach importance to such dreams, and then it becomes too late.

In a metaphorical sense, the bloody mouth says that you very often make decisions lightly, hurry up to go ahead, avoiding important steps, and then "bite your tongue", acutely reacting to what is happening. Dreams about blood from the mouth are a symbol of lack or lack of sense of responsibility. Taking them into account, it is worth to calm down and learn to understand before you dive into new affairs with your head. A dream about blood from the mouth is a clue how to become better and happier.

Why does a tooth with blood dream?

Loss of teeth in a dream indicates that a person is facing an important choice in his life, he is on the verge of change. If the tooth fell out in a dream without blood, it indicates the instability of life principles and the quick prospect of letting go of something important from life. If I dreamed that a tooth with blood fell out, it says about similar things:

Also often dreams of tooth loss are associated with the impending loss or health problems of loved ones:

What does the menstrual blood dream about?

Menstrual blood in a dream is considered a symbol of fertility and painful, but purifying from the old, the process of renewal. The old perishes, leaving space for the new and the opportunity to grow, move forward. For women, dreams with menstrual blood are directly related to their cycle, and often mean a monthly approach. Besides this, the dream book of blood of this kind can be explained as:

What does a miscarriage of blood look like?

If you have a miscarriage with a pregnant woman, this is considered normal, especially for the second trimester. So the nature of the female body and psyche that the future mother is experiencing about her child, and this affects the content of her dreams. Unfortunately, sometimes the blood at a miscarriage in case of its real threat dreams - the organism signals about possible problems and asks to pay attention. If a miscarriage with a blood of a woman is not in a position, such a dream can mean a loss:

In a positive way, the dream of miscarriage with blood means:

Why do we dream about blood on clothes?

The interpreter interprets blood in a dream on clothes in different ways, depending on the context:

  1. Blood on clothes means that you are deceived.
  2. Blood of unknown origin on clothes speaks of deception, which the sleeper does not suspect.
  3. Blouse or shirt, smeared with blood from a wound, speaks of a close financial gain.
  4. The washing of bloody clothes marks a difficult period in terms of material well-being, financial losses.
  5. Sleep, where you hide clothes with blood stains, speaks of the desire to hide your mistakes.
  6. Sleep, where the clothes of another person is stained with blood, means that disaster awaits him.
  7. Blood on a wedding dress refers to feelings of guilt and personal problems that destroy marriage.

Why dream of someone else's blood?

Seeing someone else's blood in a dream means an emotional cry for help. If someone in your dream bleeds, it indicates some kind of physical or mental pain. If a person dies from loss of blood, sleep reflects:

If in a dream like a vampire you drink someone else's blood, this means that in real life you need to "go head over" to become successful, and you are a little worried. If you dream a lot of blood, for example, a bloody river, then such a dream is a portent of disaster. You are sailing along this river - you will be in the center of unpleasant events.

If in your dream a person writes something with blood, then in reality you are worried that you will have to give up some meaningful business in which much effort has been invested. Interpreter's blood, which completely covers the body of another person, regards it as a symbol of a ruthless and indifferent attitude towards it, or your desire to get rid of passionate feelings and become indifferent.

Why does the blood in his arms dream?

Why do we have our own blood on our hands? If you try to wash the blood off your hands in a dream, this indicates your unwillingness and unwillingness to take responsibility for your actions. And any dream book of such blood will be attributed to a sense of guilt for what was done in reality:

What does meat with blood look like?

To see the blood in the meat in a dream is a good sign. Fresh meat with blood is a symbol:

If you are in a relationship, then probably soon decide on marriage / marriage. If you are alone and are in search of the ideal romantic partner, your desire to meet and start a relationship with him will become a joyful reality. But if in a dream you tear bloody flesh with your hands, then this on the contrary promises a painful break in relations or a difficult divorce.