Onion - calorie content

All of us from childhood heard such sayings as "bow - from seven ailment", "onion to health friend". He is really capable of maintaining the health of the body. It contains substances such as phytoncides, which are destructive to putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Fat and protein in onions is practically not contained, but it contains many salts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. About 0.8% of this vegetable is iron, up to 2.5% of nitrogenous substances. From vitamins, onions are rich in vitamin PP, B, A and C. Onions help reduce blood cholesterol levels; one of its pieces is enough to kill all germs in the oral cavity; the phytoncides contained in it can destroy the diphtheria bacillus and Koch's tubercle bacillus. The caloric content of onions varies depending on how it is used.

Caloric content of fresh onion

There are a lot of varieties of onions nowadays. They differ in shape, color and, of course, to taste. The maximum caloric value will be in onions, which has the most acute taste, and will be 40-43 kcal. Onions of sweet varieties, it will fluctuate from 32 to 39 kcal.

Caloric content of leek

The leek, which contains potassium salts, has a diuretic effect on the body. It increases appetite, improves the gallbladder and liver. It is recommended to use it for metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, kidney stone disease. Caloric content of onions per 100 grams is 33 kcal.

Calorie content of baked onions

In the baked form, the onion has the lowest caloric value, it hardly reaches 36 kcal per 100 g of product. This is due to a significant decrease in carbohydrates, so people who are dieting, it is best to use onions in this form. Besides, Baked onions help to lower blood sugar levels.

Caloric content of boiled onions and roasted

When frying, the onion changes its taste, loses its sharpness, but absorbs a large amount of fats, resulting in its calorific value about 5 times the calorie content of fresh onions. To fry 100 grams of onions you need about 25 grams of fat. Depending on what fat or oil is used for frying, the calorie content of 100 grams of fried onions will be 215-250 kcal.

When cooking, on the contrary, the caloric value of onions decreases. Calories in it is less than in fresh onions - about 36-37.