Adenomyosis of the body of the uterus

Fragility of women's health leads to the fact that every third of the fair sex has to hear from doctors unfavorable diagnoses relating to the genital area. One of them is adenomyosis of the uterus body, which is a kind of endometriosis. The pathological process affects only the muscular layer of the uterus. Most often in the risk group are 35-40-year-old women. The doctors can not explain the cause of the adenomyosis of the uterus. Most likely, the case is in the state of the immune system, which is weakening over the years. However, for pregnant women this issue is very acute, because in expectation of the baby and adenomyosis - this is a dangerous condition.

Symptoms of adenomyosis

Before you start treating the adenomyosis of the body of the uterus, you need to understand the symptoms of this disease. There are three of them, but at the same time two symptoms of adenomyosis of the uterus can appear. The first is pain that occurs a few days before menstruation or two to three days after the end. The intensity of pain can vary from barely noticeable to unbearable. That is why adenomyosis resorts to analgesic pharmacology. The second symptom is the supernumerary discharge, called "daub". They have a brownish color, and women notice them a few days before the onset of menstruation. The emissions of these are very small, so the usual daily laying is quite enough. However, the inflammatory process leads not only to the appearance of "dabs" - the cycle itself, which can either lengthen or shorten, is violated, which is more common. The third symptom is a pathological change in the uterus. If the treatment has been interrupted or not started on time, the size and shape of the uterus may be deformed. It is impossible to detect such changes on your own. Only a manual examination allows you to draw conclusions. If the presence of deformations is confirmed, then the occurrence of abundant discharge can not be avoided. In some severe cases, blood loss is so great that hospitalization is required.

Among the consequences of adenomyosis of the uterus, the most important is infertility. Unfortunately, primary or secondary infertility after this disease is diagnosed in half of patients, as adenomyosis affects the functions of the reproductive system negatively, creating barriers to the fertilization of the egg.

For the diagnosis of adenomyosis, visual examinations using gynecological mirrors, two-handed manual examination, colposcopy, smear analysis and other studies are used if the doctor decides to do so.

Treatment of adenomyosis

Methods of treatment of adenomyosis of the body of the uterus are two - therapeutic and surgical. These methods are based on physiotherapeutic and medicamental forms of influence. Their essence consists in stabilizing the hormonal background and strengthening immunity. However, these methods are effective only for adenomyosis of the uterus 1 and 2 degrees, when the myometrium is affected by no more than 50%. If the germination heterotopy exceeds this indicator (adenomyosis of the uterus 3 or 4 degrees), then they resort more often to surgical treatment. Such an operation consists in removing the affected areas and in the artificial restoration of the form of the genital internal organs.

Folk methods

To ease the general condition and relieve some symptoms of adenomyosis help some medicinal herbs. So, folk medicine practices the treatment of adenomyosis with a borax uterus and a marry root. The infusion of the bovine uterus is prepared from 500 ml of water and two tablespoons of herbs. Boil the mixture for five minutes, insist for at least an hour and a half and take from the third day of the cycle 40 drops for three weeks three times a day.