Why do my legs hurt?

The musculoskeletal system is very difficult. The backbone, pelvis and legs are given almost the greatest load, which bones, muscles and tendons at a certain moment can stop to withstand. That's why your feet start to hurt. They weaken, wear out. Painful sensations are of a different nature. They can appear not only after walking or physical exertion, but also at rest. And for that there are several different reasons.

Why do your legs start to hurt badly?

In the legs are many different components: large, small bones, joints, muscles, cartilage, veins, artery. And something can happen that leads to soreness, with each of these details.

Here are some of the main reasons why women can feel pain:

  1. If discomforts appear at the site of the fracture mainly during walking, most likely, the reason is precisely the consequences of the injury. That the pain has passed, it is necessary to wear ortheses. These adaptations allow the leg to move, but the muscles remain toned.
  2. If the extremities after physical exertion, changes in the weather or long standing, begin to ache, you can suspect arthritis or arthrosis. These diseases are often accompanied by swelling and redness of the joints. Treatment of rheumatic diseases is usually complex.
  3. Osteoporosis - that's why the legs are sore. The disease develops due to a lack of calcium in the body. In women, he is diagnosed more often than men. To combat osteoporosis, calcium-containing drugs are used.
  4. Representatives of the fair sex are also prone to varicose veins. This is a vein disease. Because of the disease, the vessels become less elastic. And if you are tormented by the question, why after a working day your legs hurt constantly, first of all consult a hematologist. With varicose veins, the limbs after a prolonged exertion "buzz" and strongly ache.
  5. A common disease is atherosclerosis of the arteries of the feet. It develops in smokers, people suffering from cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, obesity. The pain is accompanied by cramps. Characteristic for atherosclerosis is a symptom - cold extremities all year round.
  6. Why there are pains in the legs above the knee - genitourinary ailments. Unpleasant sensations occur in the hips and can spread throughout the entire length of the lower extremities.
  7. Because of thrombophlebitis, a burning sensation appears. The pain is constant and pulsating. As a rule, it does not do without edema and small seals in the area of ​​the wreath.

Why do legs hurt at night?

In most cases, nocturnal pains occur as a result of trauma: bruising, stretching, damage to bone tissue. But there are other reasons:

Why do feet hurt in the feet?

The most common reasons:

  1. With flat feet in the legs after a long strain, fatigue, heaviness, and swelling appear.
  2. Diabetic foot - one of the most unpleasant complications of diabetes. In addition to soreness and swelling, the problem is accompanied by the formation of ulcers.
  3. Patients with metatarsalgia on a sick foot can not even lean on.
  4. Tendonitis of the posterior tibialis muscle is characterized by aching sensations that pass after a short rest.
  5. It is impossible to step on the foot and with the sprain or ligament rupture.