First bathing newborn

When can I bathe a newborn?

On what day to bathe the newborn depends on the condition of the umbilical wound of the baby. Previously, it was recommended to bathe a child only after the umbilical wound healed. Most often it happens on the first or second week of the baby's life. Before you "wash" the crumb and remove the remnants of food and sweat from his body, you had to use high-quality wet wipes or a towel soaked in boiled water. In our own days, they allow bathing from the second day of the baby's stay, that is, on the 5th-7th day from the moment of birth.

To answer the question exactly when you can start bathing a newborn, only your pediatrician can answer after seeing the baby.

In what water to bathe?

It is believed that the first bathing baby is better to spend in boiled water (again, this rule is valid until the umbilical wound heals). In advance, prepare the right amount of boiled water and fill it with a bath. At the same time, it is not necessary for a baby to buy a special bath. Well-brushed sodium bicarbonate (or simply soda) adult bathroom - also suitable.

However, keep in mind that both a newborn boy and a newborn baby, you have to bathe and keep on your own. And to bend over a large adult bathroom is less convenient than over a nursery that you can put on a table. In addition, to fill the adult bath, more water is needed. The water temperature for the first bath should be 36 ° C. A hotter water temperature can burn the baby's skin.

What to add to the water?

If the water is soft enough and boiled, adding additional funds is not necessary. It can even become dangerous if your child is prone to allergies.

Determine what kind of grass to bathe a newborn, you can only by trial and error. If after bathing in a turn, you will notice that the child has become more excitable, and his skin - rough, from the use of this herb will have to be abandoned. And on the contrary, if from bathing in chamomile infusion, the baby falls asleep better and behaves more calmly, then this grass suits you, and you can continue using it. However, leave these experiments for the time when the baby is a little older.

What cosmetics should I use?

In the fact that during the first bath to wash the newborn with special detergents, there is not the slightest need. Various sponges and wipes also leave for later. The baby's skin is incredibly vulnerable, one contact with tap water may be enough for it to start a rash, and if you rub it with a washcloth, you can be sure that a sleepless night is waiting for you.

How to keep a newborn during the first bath?

With your left hand, support the child behind the back of the head and the right one under the buttocks and legs. You can only support with your left hand. The right support will be developed intuitively during the bath.

Who should bathe the newborn?

The person with whom the kid spends the most time and which the kid trusts. So the candidacy of the pope, whom the child sees one hour a day, is probably not the most optimal one. But the pope, who spends a lot of time with the child, can successfully replace his mother, already tired for the day.

Duration of the first bathing of the newborn

Pediatricians recommend up to 10 minutes. But, if the first contact with water scared your baby, and the calm tone of your voice does not relieve his stress, the baby should get out of the water earlier. And if a child really likes in the water, You can swim longer and longer, provided that the water does not become colder than 32 degrees. (In this case, stock up on extra pots filled with warm boiled water to, if necessary, add this water during bathing).

First bathing newborn and signs

  1. According to popular belief, you can not swim in the water where the newborn bathed, otherwise he will be ill, and you can not wash clothes in it.
  2. In the bathing water in ancient times, they put silver decoration (but not a cross), it was thought to bring wealth.
  3. If the child was bathed in the evening, the water was not poured out before the sun rises the next morning.