How to lose weight on water?

It is quite difficult to choose the ideal diet. Tense work schedule, spontaneous meetings in restaurants with friends or colleagues, a banal lack of time, yes, are there many other reasons for having problems with diets?

Nutritionists believe that anyone who wants to reduce their weight, but can not endure a diet well can lose weight on the water. This method of weight loss is as follows: 15-20 minutes before eating, you need to drink 2 cups of water without gas. You can not drink food! No sweets, no cookies, no sandwiches - no food with tea and coffee can not be eaten. The main feature - food and drink should be separate!

Can I lose weight on bread and water?

Olga Raz, an Israeli dietitian, says that it is very possible! Often, dieters seem exhausted, angry. This is due to the fact that they do not receive serotonin - the "happiness hormone".

Serotonin is very much in black bread and in dietary loaves. Therefore, when choosing bread for a given water-bread diet, one should pay attention to calorie content. The ideal content is 45 kcal per 100 grams of bread. If the black bread contains more calories, the amount of bread eaten per 1 reception is significantly reduced.

Nutritionist advises during this diet to drink plenty of water. Women should drink 8 glasses of water per day, and men - 10. This amount does not include cups of tea and coffee, drunk a day!

How to lose weight on water with lemon?

Another effective way to combat excess weight is water with lemon. The lemon contains the following substances:

As can be seen from this list, a lemon is able to replenish in the body some nutrients that a person needs. But this does not mean that a slimming person should eat lemons all day long! This citrus fruit can lead to the development or exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Water with a lemon, having drunk at breakfast, starts the metabolic processes, which favorably affects the weight reduction, plus, this drink has a cleansing effect. It is correct to drink water with a lemon so: in 1 glass of warm water it is necessary to add 15-20 drops of natural lemon juice. This "cocktail" is drunk every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. The diet can only be kept for a week. Then you need to take a break of 14 days to safely repeat the diet.

How much can I lose weight on the water?

Observing all the above recommendations for 1 month only with water can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight . And if you forbid yourself to eat buns and various sweets, then this way you can lose 3-5 kilograms.

If we talk about how much you can lose weight, if you drink only one water, then, of course, a lot, but this method of weight loss is highly undesirable and even dangerous.