Resuscitation of newborns

Unfortunately, not all births pass and end successfully. It happens that the baby needs special help. The presence in the maternity hospital of the resuscitation department for newborns is a chance for a large number of children to survive and grow up healthy.

Resuscitation is called a set of measures designed to restore the vital functions of the body - primarily blood circulation and respiration. Resuscitation of newborns is called medical measures, which are carried out immediately at birth and in the next 24 hours of the child's life to be removed from the critical state. Resuscitation is carried out in those cases when there is no breathing or cardiac activity is terminated, or in the absence of both of these functions. Resuscitation is necessary and with a lowered pulse of the baby - less than 100 beats per minute, dyspnea, apnea, hypotension - that is, with the so-called cardiopulmonary depression. According to WHO, up to 10% of newborns need specialized birth assistance.

Primary resuscitation of newborns

After birth in the delivery room the baby is necessarily inspected by a neonatologist. According to the state of breathing, palpitation, skin, muscle tone, the so-called Apgar score is exposed. Resuscitative care will be required if a newborn is examined:

The first measures of resuscitation of newborns in the delivery room are performed by neonatologist, anastasiologist-resuscitator and two nurses, each of whom performs strictly defined tasks. When the newly born crumb is wiped from the amniotic fluid and put on the table for resuscitation of newborns with heating, the neonatologist measures the body temperature and cleans the baby's respiratory tract from mucus. The reanimatologist calculates the heart rate, performs an indirect cardiac massage, and listens to the lungs. If necessary, artificial ventilation is prescribed with the use of a special mask and bag until the pink color of the skin appears. If, after this resuscitation measure, the newborn does not start breathing on his own, he is intubated for trachea. The methods of resuscitation of newborns include the administration of substances (adrenaline, cocarboxylase) that contribute to the restoration of vascular tone.

If the child does not perform an independent inhalation, the resuscitation measures are completed after 15-20 minutes.

The second stage is the department of resuscitation of newborns

If primary measures have ended with the establishment of respiratory and palpitation functions, the child is transferred to the intensive care unit of neonates. There, all actions of doctors will be aimed at preventing or eliminating cerebral edema, restoration of blood circulation, kidney function. To the kid spend so-called hypothermia - local cooling of a head of the kid. In addition, the newborn child in intensive care is being treated with dehydration therapy, the essence of which is to remove excess fluid from the body. The baby's blood parameters are monitored: coagulability, protein, calcium, magnesium, etc. Depending on the severity of the baby's condition, it is placed in an oxygen tent or in a kuvez with oxygen supply and monitor the temperature of his body, the work of the intestine. Feeding the baby is possible not earlier than 12 hours after birth expressed by the bottle through a bottle or a probe, depending on the severity of the lesion.