Stomatitis - treatment in adults and elimination of the causes of the disease

The oral cavity from the inside is covered with a mucous epithelium, which serves as a protective layer. It ensures the correct response of the body to external stimuli and prevents the penetration of infections into the digestive tract and respiratory tract. If the immune system is not working properly, the epithelium becomes inflamed.

Stomatitis - causes of emergence in adults

The pathological processes in the mucous membranes of the mouth can be caused by both external and internal factors. Stomatitis causes:

Stomatitis - Species

In medicine, several forms of the described pathology are distinguished depending on the causes of its occurrence. The main types of stomatitis:

Aphthous stomatitis

Sometimes the type of illness is called ulcerative. It is characterized by the formation in the mouth of small plaques with a red border and a white-gray coating on the center - aft. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form with recurrent relapses. Such stomatitis in adults begins for the following reasons:

Candidiasis stomatitis

The presented variant of pathology provokes the same fungi. Their active reproduction in the oral cavity is accompanied by specific and very pronounced symptoms, which helps the doctor accurately determine what kind of stomatitis takes place. The surface of the mucous membranes is covered with a loose, dirty white coating with a curdled structure.

This type of stomatitis is more often diagnosed in children . If it is found in adulthood, the cause of the disease is considered to be extensive damage by fungi of other organs. Because of this, it is necessary to eliminate the candidiasis of stomatitis in a complex way - treatment in adults involves the use not only of local pharmacological agents, but also of systemic drugs. With the late onset of therapy, the disease becomes chronic.

Herpetic stomatitis

The described type of inflammation is provoked by a group of corresponding viruses. Herpetic stomatitis in adults is mild, moderate and severe. It is always accompanied by the formation on the mucous epithelium of small watery vesicles with cloudy contents, which eventually burst. On the spot blisters appear bright red sores with indistinct edges.

This kind of stomatitis is caused by the herpes virus, which penetrates into the body in several ways:

Allergic stomatitis

This form of the disease occurs against the background of direct contact of the mucosal epithelium with the stimulus or as an additional sign of a systemic immune response. In the first case, allergic stomatitis in adults often develops due to dental manipulations using:

Symptom of the generalized immune response is also sometimes a stomatitis - treatment in adults in this situation requires the detection of the main stimulus and blocking any contacts with it. Local therapy is carried out only after the elimination of the main cause of the inflammatory process, in which the role is:

Traumatic stomatitis

Mucous membranes in the mouth are very quickly restored, and saliva has an antimicrobial effect. In this regard, bacterial stomatitis is diagnosed in adults rarely, mainly on the background of prolonged or extensive damage to epithelial tissue. The following can lead to its traumatization:

Stomatitis - symptoms

The described pathology in adults is accompanied by external signs, which have different structure and appearance in accordance with the causes of the inflammatory process:

The listed symptoms are more often observed on the inside of the lips, tonsils, cheeks and soft palate. Less common is stomatitis in the tongue and under it. In addition to external clinical manifestations, the disease causes signs of a general nature:

Stomatitis - treatment

Therapy of the examined inflammation is developed by the dentist individually. The doctor decides what to treat stomatitis after finding out the exact reasons for its occurrence. An integrated approach involves the use of local and systemic drugs, including:

What to rinse your mouth with stomatitis?

This procedure is necessary for antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity, elimination of festering or fungal deposits, normalization of microflora on the epithelium. As a conditioner, it is important to choose a hypoallergenic solution that has antiviral activity, so Chlorhexidine is rarely prescribed for stomatitis. This medicine dentists recommend only for the prevention of bacterial complications of the inflammatory process.

Effective means:

Ointment for stomatitis

To decontaminate and accelerate the healing of erosions, ulcers or aft in the oral cavity, highly concentrated local remedies are needed. Applying ointments, gels or creams after antiseptic rinses is an effective way to cure stomatitis even at an early stage of its progression. Light forms of the inflammatory process stop in just 9-10 days of daily procedures.

Before the beginning of the therapeutic course, it is important to find out what caused stomatitis - treatment in adults includes local drugs with antiviral, immunomodulating, antibacterial, antifungal and even corticosteroid components. Effective ointments, creams and gels:

Spray from stomatitis

At an average and a serious stage of an inflammation the frequent disinfection of an epithelium is necessary. One of the options, how to treat stomatitis in the home - regular treatment of mucous membranes with sprays. Such solutions have a low concentration of active substances, but they are applied directly to the damaged areas and are not washed away, therefore they retain their activity for a long time.

Stomatitis - local treatment in adults with the help of sprays:

Tablets from stomatitis

Systemic treatment is developed exclusively by a specialist individually. Capsules and tablets from stomatitis in adults are selected depending on the cause, which provoked a pathological immune response in the form of inflammation. When the virus origin of the disease requires the use of appropriate medications:

Antifungal agents are prescribed if candidal stomatitis is diagnosed - treatment in adults involves the use of such tablets:

Antibiotics are used in exceptional situations when local antimicrobial therapy has proved ineffective or stomatitis has been complicated by the addition of an intensive bacterial infection. Effective and safe drugs for adult dentist patients:

Folk remedies for stomatitis

Certain types of plant raw materials have a pronounced antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Doctors often recommend herbal decoctions to relieve stomatitis - home treatment with rinses based on natural ingredients helps relieve pain and instantly reduce inflammation. The basis of such recipes are plants with disinfectant and soothing properties.

Mortar for daily rinses


Preparation and use

  1. Mix the flowers of lime and chamomile.
  2. Pour the herbal raw material with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist means 2-3 hours.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Add soda to the liquid.
  6. The resulting product rinses the oral cavity after each meal.

Stomatitis - treatment in adults at home ointment


Preparation and use

  1. Sprinkle the aloe vine and grind it in a meat grinder, grind it with a blender.
  2. Juicy pulp mixed with lemon juice and butter.
  3. The resulting mass is used as an ointment in the presence of ulcers, erosions and wounds in the oral cavity.

Prevention of stomatitis

An adult should regularly visit a hygienist to remove soft and hard dental deposits, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for gum care. The stomatitis in a mouth often arises against a background of neglect of the standard rules of cleaning and disinfection of mucous membranes. Other measures to prevent disease:

  1. Refusal to smoke and abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Selection of a suitable toothpaste , rinse aid, brush, flosser.
  4. Installation of only high-quality prostheses, braces, plates and other orthodontic structures.
  5. Timely treatment of chronic pathologies.
  6. Elimination of contacts with allergens.
  7. Complete rest, stabilization of emotional state.
  8. Control of hormonal background.