Flabby skin on the abdomen

Flabby skin becomes when it loses its elasticity and its former tone. This occurs as a result of a decrease in the connection with the muscles, and is manifested by wrinkling, sagging, dryness, and discoloration. Usually flabbiness appears on different parts of the body: face, chest, buttocks, stomach and others.

Causes of skin flabbiness


Hardly, today you can meet a man of eighty years, who without the intervention of plastic surgeons would look young and fit. In general, the first signs of flabby skin begin to manifest on the legs and abdomen, and can be seen already in 40 years.

Hereditary factor

The aging process starts in every organism after 25 years. But there are those from whom it begins to develop and a few years earlier - it all depends on the genes.

Poor muscle tone

Because of weak muscles, the body looks flabby. In addition, low activity affects the blood supply to the skin.


Some time after the birth of the baby, the skin of the mother's abdomen should return to its former state. But this does not always happen.

Weight Loss

Rapid weight loss can lead to the appearance of "excess" skin.

Stress and internal diseases

All that negatively affects the body as a whole, is reflected in the epidermis.

What to do and how to tighten the skin, if it became flabby?

Medical centers and cosmetology salons have developed a variety of ways to help restore the skin to its former form: