Tea with cognac

Tea with cognac is an aristocratic and refined drink, with a piquant taste, which completely corresponds not only to tea, but also cognac etiquette. This is an excellent occasion for spiritual conversation, helping to please the guests and create a cozy, comfortable environment. Let's find out with you some recipes for making tea with cognac.

Green tea with cognac



Brewing of green tea milk oolong is mixed with grated lemon zest and orange juice in enamel or glassware. The resulting mixture is put on a weak fire and warmed up, but do not boil. Then filter the tea through gauze and pour into cups. Next, in each mug we add a little cognac, put sugar to taste and a pinch of nutmeg. All mix and serve hot tea on the table.

Milk tea with cognac



Milk put on the fire and bring to a boil, then throw it to him leaf tea and let him boil and brew for 2 minutes. In the meantime whisk well whisk the cream with sugar in a lush foam. We strain the tea through a strainer, add cognac and spread the whipped cream on top. Immediately, we serve the drink to the table, so that the foam does not have time to settle.

Tea with honey and cognac



We brew black tea, or tea with lemon balm . Then put a little honey to taste and pour in cognac. Add a slice of lemon and serve the drink to the table.

Enjoy your tea party!