Flower astrancy

If you want to decorate the garden with a strange flower, pay attention to the space. This charming tall plant is undeservedly devoid of the attention of flower growers, whereas at the time of flowering it infects a large inflorescence reminiscent of a star. Its color varies from white to rich raspberry. Growing astratsiyu in the open field is not difficult, you just need to know the rules of planting and caring for her.

Flower astratsiya - planting and care for seedlings

For this unpretentious plant, the kidney is looked for loose loamy or sandy loam, but fertile. The site itself can be located in the sun or in the penumbra - astratsiya equally well grows both there and there. In this case, note that the more sun rays the bushes receive, the brighter the coloring of their lovely stars.

For bushes dig small pits at a distance of 30-45 cm from each other. Plants are placed in a pit at the level at which they were located earlier, fall asleep and rammed. Do not forget to water abundantly the seedlings.

Cultivation of astratia and plant care

Nekapriznoe plant needs timely irrigation, loosening of the earth and removal of weeds . For care, it will react with bright flowering and lush growth. Fertilizers are brought in spring. For repeated flowering, trim the faded inflorescences.

Reproduction of astrancy

They multiply astratsiya by dividing the bush in early spring. Dig up the root, divided into several parts. Flowering in new plants should wait for the third year. When propagation of seed astradition, the planting material is collected as it blooms. Seeds are sown in the spring. However, keep in mind that when collecting your own seeds, the color of the variety will be somewhat modified.

Astrancy - varieties

If you are planning to cut off the selection, select the variety "Rosensimphonie". Virtually no leaves, a scattering of bright pink inflorescences is the main advantage of the variety.

To plant astrations in the garden in the region with severe winters, you can choose the variety "Moulin Rouge". Plants with purple-violet flowers suffer from low frost.

The "Lars" variety, whose bushes 65-75 cm high are strewn with bright pink stars, is especially decorative. If you like white buds, pay attention to the varieties "Star of Beauty" or "Monk's Way". A special purple luxury is possessed by "Ruby Wedding" varieties. The biggest inflorescences you get are planting "Princess Sturdza". On high peduncles, white inflorescences appear up to 5 cm in diameter. Over time, the buds slightly turn pink.