How to prepare a hydrangea for the winter?

Do you know the greater miracle of nature than flowers? As they are beautiful and diverse, what colors and forms have, and many of them are like the colorful wondrous butterflies who have sat down to rest! One of the favorite pets for lovers of floriculture from different parts of the globe is considered to be hydrangea. The species and variants of this flower can not be counted. It grows in the open ground, and on the windowsill. Some of its varieties are heat-loving sissies, others are frost-hardy fast-nosed, but they all need care. And since the autumn window, let's talk about how to prepare a hydrangea for winter.

How to prepare for the winter hydrangeas growing in the open ground?

Here's how to prepare and keep a hydrangea in winter if it is a large adult bush growing in the garden. Approximately in the end of October from a plant it is necessary to cut off all flowers and practically all leaves. The latter is left only at the very top, where there are flower buds. These leaves, standing in the form of a small house, will protect the flower buds from wind and cold, and next year the hydrangea will again be blossomed.

After trimming around the flower, lay out boards with nails hammered into them. The hydrangeas are neatly bent to the ground and laid on top of these boards, and then tied to nails with ropes or wire. From above the plant is covered with a ten-centimeter layer of dry leaves, covered with lapnik and special covering material, which can be bought in a garden store. So the hydrangea will successfully survive the frosts, and next year will again please its mistress with a lush blossoming view.

How to prepare a hydrangea for the winter, if it "lives" in a keg?

Now consider the option of preparing a hydrangea for winter if it "lives" in the open air, but in a keg. You do not know how to bend twigs to the ground in this case, so we do the following. In a dry, not blown place in the garden, we dig a deep trench, to the bottom of which we lay our hydrangea together with a barrel. From above, we fill everything with leaves, lapnik and earth and cover the same, as in the previous case, with covering material.

You can create an air cushion that will allow the plant to breathe and create additional heat. To do this, under cover material, we will slip several boxes, placing them in a chain, one after the other, with the bottom up. In this shelter hydrangea perfectly overwinter.

How to keep a hydrangea in the winter?

Imagine, and a room hydrangea needs to be prepared for the winter. How can this be done correctly?

First, provide the plant with the necessary microclimate for sleep. Remove it from the window, especially if there is skewing. Also, the hydrangea can not be kept near a battery, heater or other heating object, it will dry up and die. The best option would be to take her to a darkened room with a constant temperature of 18 degrees.

Many flower growers are wondering whether to cut the hydrangea for the winter, because it is not on the street, and it will not have to be digested. The answer is yes, cut. Cut all the flowers and damaged leaves, cut old and sick twigs. Next year new healthy shoots will grow, which will please you with fresh greens and a fragrance of flowers. Well, and, of course, to clean the room hydrangea for peace should also be in late October. Although it is in the room, but the cycles in it are the same as in street fellows.

Here, perhaps, and all the basic wisdom of how to prepare for the winter hydrangeas depending on whether it grows in the open air or dwells on a room window sill. Observe these simple rules, and your hydrangeas will never freeze in the winter.