Onions "Excibishen" - growing through sprouts

Onion is not only a very useful product, but also an indispensable ingredient that gives a unique taste to our favorite dishes. In cooking, onions can be found many applications. Some varieties are grown for the sake of a bulb, others for greens. The choice of seeds is simply huge, so it's never too late to try something new and plant, for example, onions "Excibishen", growing through seedlings requires some hassle. But by harvesting large juicy and sweet onions, you will realize that your efforts were not in vain. Amazing gustatory qualities and truly gigantic sizes - a mature bulb can reach a weight of 0.5 kg - this class distinguishes favorably from the background of its counterparts.

Onions "Excibishen", bred in Holland, is one-year-old and it is not very easy to take care of it, besides, you can keep the harvest no longer than 3-4 months. But, observing the correct agrotechnics of onions "Excibishen", you can collect up to three kilograms of bulbs from 1 square. m.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Before planting the onion seeds, they must be prepared, this will increase the percentage of germinating seeds and positively affect the growth of seedlings. Preparation for the cultivation of onion "Exibishen" from seeds will require you to do the following:

Then you need to prepare a substrate for seedlings. The optimal soil mixture for the cultivation of onion "Excibishen" is the ratio of parts of soddy land, humus and overripe Mullein - 10: 9: 1.

The prepared soil should be poured into pots and seeded, placing them at a depth of 1.5 cm. Tanks with seeded seeds should be tightened with food film and put in a dark and warm place. After the seedlings of the "Excibishen" onion give seedlings, the film must be removed, and the pots with the shoots should be moved to a well-lit place.

Care of seedlings

One of the main difficulties of cultivation of the onion seedlings "Excibishen" is the maintenance of the temperature regime. During the day, the ambient temperature should not fall below 17 ° C, and at night not lower than 10 ° C.

Water onion follows moderately warm water, and it is also necessary to frequently ventilate the room in which the seedlings are located.

Planted in the soil grown sprouts can be in early May. A few weeks before, the onion should be tempered, so that the plant gradually became accustomed to a lower temperature and tolerated landing without problems.