Enterovirus exanthema

Enterovirus exanthema is a disease caused by a group of infectious diseases that spread to the skin. As a result, the person raises temperature and sweating. There is headache and muscle pain . A few days later, there is a rash, both in separate parts, and throughout the body. It looks in the form of small reddish points, gray bubbles or papules and lasts no more than three days.

Disease flow

Infect the disease in several ways: airborne or with direct contact with the patient. The incubation period of enterovirus exanthema (Boston fever) lasts from two to five days. After that, the general condition of the patient sharply worsens, including fever, loss of strength and pain in the muscles.

The immune system can cope with this disease on its own. If nothing is done, after a few days the main symptoms disappear. Immediately after this, reddish spots appear all over the body or in some places. The disease lasts no more than ten days.

Diagnosis of enterovirus exanthema

It is difficult to establish a diagnosis promptly and accurately indicating enterovirus eczema. The fact is that in the first days of development the ailment is similar to many other respiratory diseases. This is usually done on the basis of general symptoms, especially in case of epidemic outbreaks. To confirm the disease, the search for viruses in liquids released by the body and serological studies are used.

Treatment of exanthema with enterovirus infection

There is no specific method for effective treatment of this disease. Basically, all procedures are similar to those that are used for colds. So, the patient should consume a large amount of liquid (tea, juices, fruit drinks and boiled water), as during increased temperature there is an increased loss of moisture. At the same time, do not wrap the patient, as there should be a normal heat release. You can use antipyretic in the form of Paracetamol or Nurofen.

It is also recommended to drink a small course of antiviral agent. In addition, the recovery process and vitamins that support immunity significantly accelerate.

To whom to address?

If a person has a suspicion of enterovirus exanthema or Boston fever caused by Coxsackie infection, it is better to immediately consult an infectious disease specialist. He will be able to establish the exact form of the disease, and also will tell what exactly it is necessary to do, starting from the personal indices of the organism.