Flowers by the sign of the zodiac

If a person wants to be lucky, he can use astrological laws and follow the advice of specialists in this field. Many people do not assume how much influence can be rendered by properly picked flowers according to the sign of the zodiac, if they grow their houses or hold bouquets of them. Attracting good luck, including in love and material affairs, calm situation in the house, all this can be achieved if you know which flower corresponds to your zodiac sign and have it with you.

Flowers-mascots on the signs of the zodiac

So, let's get acquainted with the recommendations of astrologers and determine which flower fits the sign of the Zodiac:

  1. Aries will be suitable gentian, orchid, lion's pharynx, hawthorn. These plants will attract money, love, and health.
  2. Taurus, which has geraniums, hyacinths, apple and cherry blossoms in the house, will never suffer from unrequited passion, poverty or ill-health.
  3. Gemini will not have to experience any kind of difficulties, financial, or health, if they keep a clover, orange flowers, lavender, lemongrass or fern.
  4. Cancer can correct its financial situation and attract love, if in its house there will be a rose, gardenia or lilies.
  5. To get rid of financial problems and get love Lions will help the flowers of lime, carnation and juniper.
  6. Virgos are shown to keep violets, chrysanthemums and buttercups in the house. They will help attract money, health and happiness.
  7. Scales can build a good career if they grow irises or violets.
  8. Scorpions are recommended to keep the house peonies and cacti.
  9. Streltsam helps in achieving the success of carnations and crocuses.
  10. Capricorns are recommended to have tulips, violets and philodendron in the house.
  11. Aquarians can improve their financial situation and find love if they grow aloe or lilies.
  12. Pisces will help to achieve peace of mind and happiness of daffodils and lilacs.

As you noticed, the list includes both indoor plants and those that grow in gardens or on the street. To attract good luck , you need to determine with the help of the list which room flowers are suitable for you personally by the sign of the zodiac, and grow it yourself. Of course, expect instantaneous significant changes in life is not worth it, but it is believed that as soon as the plant blooms or gives an outgrowth, lucky events and events fill the life of a person.