Rare elbows

Wherever it appears, the itching is very unpleasant. But when the elbows are scratched, a person feels particularly uncomfortable. The skin in this part of the body is tender enough, there is almost no subcutaneous fat, so even the most harmless attempts to eliminate the itching lead to irritations.

Why can elbows be itchy?

There are quite a few reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. Most often, itching affects office workers. Due to the fact that the skin is constantly in contact with a rigid object, it becomes more rough, dries up, sometimes microcracks appear on it. As a consequence - the elbows begin to itch and flake very much. In addition, with constant contact between the epidermis and furniture, the temperature and humidity favorable for reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms are created. This only aggravates the situation.

There are other reasons why the elbows are itchy and flaky. Among them are:

  1. The cause of xerosis - increased dryness of the skin - there are not only mechanical effects, but also allergies . The reaction is caused by substandard cosmetic products, some clothing materials, detergent and cleaning agents that are too active.
  2. A common reason why elbows are itchy is eczema. This is a chronic disease. It is characterized by the appearance of red spots on individual parts of the skin. First they just itch and flake, and then cover with crusts - scab.
  3. Often the problem develops with dysbiosis.
  4. If in addition to the fact that the hands itch to the elbow, they appear small pimples, you can suspect atopic dermatitis . The reason for it, as a rule, is contact with toxins or allergens - medicines, dust, wool and saliva of animals.
  5. Some people suffer from scabies due to malnutrition. Inflammations very often occur in those who abuse unhealthy food or stick to too strict diets.