Why does a big fish dream?

Specific interpretation of an image such as a large fish, does not. In order to obtain accurate and truthful information, it is worth taking into account other details of the dream, for example, what you did, where it was, etc. Even for interpretation it is important to take into account your emotional state, as well as events taking place in real life.

Why does a big fish dream?

If you have bought a large fish in a dream, it is a harbinger of the fact that all existing affairs will end successfully, only for this you will have to work hard. A large number of fish of different colors is a harbinger of a serious scandal, and to establish relations in the future will have to make considerable efforts. To see the big fish swimming in the sea, in a dream, means, in the future you will have serious problems in the material sphere. Dreambook recommends "tighten the belt" and try to find a new source of income.

Dead fish is a symbol that all your hopes will be in vain. The dream interpretation recommends that you relieve the experience and, in a calm environment, survive this period. To catch a big fish in a dream means that in the future one should expect a gift of fate, it can be an unexpected profit, an interesting trip or a new romantic adventure. The most important thing is not to miss the chance. If such a catch was from another person, then, soon you will feel a surge of energy, which you can put in the right direction. To dream of a large live fish in an aquarium, then, in reality, a person is closely watching you. It can be both an envious person and a leader who wants to move you along the career ladder.

The dream in which you had to catch big fish with your hands is a symbol that soon a difficult life will come. Do not panic, because you can with dignity pass all the tests. For an unmarried girl this dream promises a meeting with a worthy man. The night vision, in which the big fish bites you, can be considered as a warning that enemies are waiting for the right moment to substitute you. One of the dream books says that the dream in which you managed to catch a big fish with your hands can be interpreted as success in life. In the future, you will feel like an absolutely happy person or someone from your relatives will be able to surprise you. If you had to catch a big fish in a dream, then in the future it will be very disappointing in life. Even at this time, it is worth waiting for betrayal on the part of close people.