How to get lice out of a child?

When kids get acquainted in a sandbox with children, they begin to go to the nursery, in general, to communicate more closely with their peers, mothers tend to worry about colds and runny nose, but it happens that they are caught unawares by lice and nits in children. There are three types of lice in a person: clothes, head and pubic, in children, the head ones are most often born.

Lice in children: causes

When the kid "brings" a similar gift from the kindergarten (and this is the most frequent case of the acquisition of lice), mothers "sin" on the most modestly dressed child of the group, because the stereotype - it is difficult to remove. In fact, nits can appear in children with a clean head, because it's easier for them to get stronger on the scalp and suck blood. Where did the child's lice come from and what to do with them? Lice can get on the head only with the so-called direct contact, that is, when the hair is touched with the focus of infection. It can be someone else's hairbrush, towel or hat, perhaps, up to your crumb on the pillow lay a man with these unpleasant "residents." The task of moms periodically prevent lice in a child. When, after washing your hair, you comb your hair, carefully review the partitions, bed linens should be washed at high temperatures, and ironed with steam (especially carefully work the seams). Explain to the child that the exchange of hairbrushes or hairpins (hoops, elastic bands or hats) is unacceptable.

Lice in children: treatment

What if the child has lice? Usually, moms tend to buy more chemistry in the pharmacy, thinking that it will be possible to get lice out of a child in one day. There are a number of different agents in the form of various ointments, aerosols or shampoos. We will analyze what to treat the lice in a child. All means from these parasites can be conditionally divided according to the type of the main active substance:

The main rule: when you find lice in children, treat only in accordance with the instructions - all drugs are toxic, and the consequences of non-compliance can be completely different (allergies and rashes). After washing your head and carrying out the chosen treatment, be sure to carefully comb the baby's head with a frequent comb and remove all eggs by hand. Do not forget about the baby's clothes baby - all towels and pillowcases with duvet covers need to boil and iron, the same applies to clothes. Of course, delicate knitted blouses and boiling water can not be put, but in that case, just take things away for a week away from everyone (for example, on a balcony), without food lice die after 7-10 days.

If the child has lice, decide what to do with this trouble, of course, to you, but if you are going to fight by popular means, you should be careful. Often, treatment according to folk recipes is considered much more effective than the use of pharmacy medicines, but they can cause harm to the hair more than you can imagine. The most common remedy is kerosene, after it lice can and will pass, but the hair will be dirty for a long time, and it is simply impossible to comb them. Vinegar in general can burn the scalp and dry the hair (by the way, he also does not show nits), about "Dichlorvos" it's even frightening to speak, it's not just toxic, this remedy will simply poison lice along with the baby. Of all the recipes of traditional medicine, you can safely use only the means to prevent the occurrence of pediculosis - essential oils (tea tree, lemon, lavender). They can be applied to the area behind the eye and to the top of the child, or you can drip a couple of drops in the shampoo.