Winter signs associated with various natural phenomena

Despite frosts and frosts, winter days are always considered a fabulous and surprising period of the year. Living by the laws of nature, people rarely think about the significance of natural phenomena. However, obtained from ancestors, winter signs astonish the accuracy of predictions.

People's signs about winter

Most people want to learn how to predict the future in order to build their life plans correctly. Ancestors believed that a man born in winter days is wise, purposeful and able to work miracles. Long since winter signs have shown how much time is left before the beginning of spring and what kind of weather will please the summer. What winter signs have reached the present time:

At this time, miracles occur, because the beginning of the new year brings happiness to every home. What winter signs are associated with this holiday:

  1. On New Year's Eve, you can not send guests home until they do not want to leave, otherwise you can scare away your luck.
  2. Break the dishes in the midst of fun, threatens with problems in their personal lives.
  3. Before you start feasting, you should take a bath and wash away all the negative last year.
  4. On New Year's Eve, a dream that characterizes the coming year is dreaming.
  5. Throwing the rest of the food after the feast can drive away the prosperity.

The first day of winter - signs

Winter signs say:

  1. How to spend December 1, and the whole year you will meet.
  2. If the day is warm, then the season will be mild.
  3. People's signs on the first day of winter show the quality of weather conditions until spring.
  4. Crows roam the roads, it will be warm.
  5. The mosquito awoke in the room to approach the thaw.
  6. Dampness and heat this month, a sign of cold and late spring. The first snow has fallen, in forty days the beginning of colds is expected.
  7. Icicles have appeared, the summer will be rainy.
  8. The knock of a woodpecker is heard, spring will come early.
  9. The tit is chirping outside the window, frosts are expected.

Winter signs of harvest

The most popular of the yielding signs are:

  1. A lot of snow and frost on Epiphany - to the violent growth of grasses.
  2. For the New Year, it's warm and snowy, it's a good breed of bread.
  3. January 12 night is stellar, lots of peas will be.
  4. Winter signs for the harvest offer in the Epiphany night, put out of the window cups with different groats, where the frost will lie, this cereal plentifully spoils.
  5. February 15 windy harvest for fruit will be.
  6. March blizzard in the fields foreshadows a good growth in vegetables.
  7. Cereals in abundance, if drifts are large.
  8. If the Christmas wind blows from the west, the year will be profitable.

Sign - leaves do not fall for winter

Winter signs of foliage and plants:

  1. If the snow falls before the fall of the leaves, the frost will be fierce, but spring will come early.
  2. A rich harvest of mountain ash grows if there are severe days.
  3. The frost on the trees is formed - the cold will wilt.
  4. Folk winter signs warn if the fallen leaves lie on the wrong side up, then the crops will be large.
  5. If December is rainy, and the trees are foliage, then the snow does not know until the baptismal cold.

A sign is a butterfly in the winter in the house

Winter signs can tell about the butterfly that appeared in the dwelling. Understand why a butterfly flies around the apartment, you need to determine the color of its coloring. People's signs about the winter say that if the moth is red, yellow or pinkish, then well-being comes to the house. The insect of green or bluish tint predicts the approach of interesting events and good news. A woken guest of black, brown or gray color foreshadows troubles. It is necessary to send it as quickly as possible out of the window and in no case to kill.

The fly woke in the winter - signs

The awakening of insects in the cold season is an unnatural phenomenon that occurs before the warming outside the window, so some winter signs are associated with it. Fly in the winter in the apartment, a sign that says a quick illness of the household. In popular beliefs, there is information about the appearance of buzzing guests, as messengers of death. There is a ritual action that will help to protect the family from disaster. Seeing the winged guest, it is necessary to knock on the windowpane and say: "Everything has its time, and the trouble is away from us! May it be so!".

Sign - the ladybug of the house in winter

Winter signs are associated with the ladybirds. A nice bug in speckles appears in families with a favorable atmosphere. There was a ladybird in the winter in the house of a childless couple, the baby's appearance is expected soon. After counting the number of spots on the back of the bug, you can find out how many happy and profitable months will be in the coming year. Talismans with the image of a cute insect bring good luck and protects the owner from magical influences. The bug sat on an unmarried girl, to be soon married.

Sign - in the winter pigeons in a puddle bathe

Animals, insects and birds are excellent indicators of weather change, and therefore there are winter signs associated with them. Signs associated with birds in the winter, will tell a lot of new and interesting. Pigeons bathe in puddles, foreshadowing arid summer and low rainfall in autumn. A bird on the roof is a sign of an approaching strong blizzard.

A sign is to see the rainbow in winter

Zatronuli winter signs and such a phenomenon as the rainbow. Some people believe that by finding a place where colored rays rest on the ground, it is possible to get rich. For many years, after seeing a wonderful beauty in the sky, people make wishes. A double rainbow, a sign that indicates good. The more green it is, the sooner happiness will come. Seeing such a miracle you can not point your finger at the sky, there is a risk to call disaster on close people. The rainbow has appeared in the young age - success and happiness for the whole year. If she is suddenly out of sight, the failure is approaching.

A sign is a thunderstorm in winter

Thunderstorms in the winter cold are a very strange and inexplicable phenomenon that has been observed since ancient times and even then winter signs were born associated with it at this time of year. Signs about the winter are diverse and not always clear:

  1. The morning thunderstorm on a snowy day foreshadows a warm but not hot weather in July.
  2. Hearing a heavenly rumble, it is necessary to wash your face out of silverware, to attract health and youth.
  3. If there is not such a bowl, put the silver coins in any convenient container.
  4. Not calm in the sky always portends a strong wind and a storm.
  5. Older people believe that a thunderstorm rattles on a bare forest, predicting hunger and war.

Lightning in winter signs

Long since lightning is considered a symbol of Perun. The blow of the heavenly guest was considered a punishment for sins. To prevent the house from falling under its impact, it is required to store a piece of burnt wood on the window. Winter weather signs associated with lightning are diverse and contradictory:

  1. If you believe superstitions, then the fire that comes from a lightning strike can not be extinguished, the dead features burn in it.
  2. There was a lightning on a snowy day, the night would be the most frosty.
  3. Lightning in the cold season foreshadows a heavy snowfall.
  4. To protect from the heavenly punishment, it is necessary to have a black animal or slip the consecrated branches of the birch tree under the roof.

Thunder in winter signs

Since ancient times, heavenly rumble is considered a manifestation of God's wrath. Winter signs related to this phenomenon speak of the following:

  1. Rumble of thunder, coming from the north, indicate a cold and short summer.
  2. Natural signs of winter notice that thunder in the middle of February, a sign of bad haymaking.
  3. There is ice on the river, and thunder rumbles in the sky - it is necessary to stock up with felt boots and a sheepskin coat.
  4. Rumble in the last days of November, a clear sign of a cold January.
  5. February thunder promises a windy April.

What will the heavenly rumble tell at another time of the year: