What does the live chickens dream about?

If the live chickens are dreaming and overcomes the desire to understand what such a vision is, you need to recall in detail the number, color and age of the birds seen in the dream. Even the smallest and most insignificant detail of the dream can be of decisive importance in the interpretation.

Why do live chickens and many chickens dream?

The set of live chickens with chickens is an excellent sign for a married woman, meaning that a happy event will soon take place in her family, which will gather all the relatives for a get-together.

Some dreamlike dreams are interpreted as a sign of an early addition to the family, especially if it is a dream that a woman who wants to have a child sees.

But if there are no chicks in the dream, but chickens and eggs are present, this is a sign of fast enrichment. But if this dream was seen by a lonely girl - she can soon find her love .

What does the living white hens dream about?

White chickens can dream before the wedding. And if such a dream has already been seen by a family man, it means that this celebration will take place at one of the relatives or friends.

Red chickens in a dream - an alarming sign, warning of the danger of fire. Having seen such domestic birds in a dream, it is recommended to be more careful with matches and check the wiring and appliances.

Chickens of brown color portend a fast trip, which, most likely, will be of a business nature. If the chickens begin to cackle loudly in a dream, then the trip will be productive and enjoyable.

To see black chickens in a dream is a signal that the dreamer will soon have to sacrifice his time and interests for the sake of another person. However, this act will be judged on merit.

What does the live chickens dream about in the barn?

A barn in which chickens walk in a dream symbolizes the home of a dreamer. If the room is good, clean - then, in the house of a dreamer, there is peace and prosperity. An alarming sign, if the barn is rotten, with a failed roof.

If in a dream a hen lays eggs in a barn, this means a speedy success in love affairs. It is important for the treatment and the attitude of the hen to the clutch: if she is hatching it is a sign that all hopes will come true, if they do not approach the eggs - the dreamer can be harassed by gossip.

Why do chickens live and dead?

Dreams with chickens can portend a variety of events and hint at some of the shortcomings of the dreamer. For example, if you dream: