Foam from the mouth of a cat

Very often a cat has a foam in its mouth or vomiting - unfortunately, this is a common phenomenon. The reasons can be different - the cat itself causes vomiting to relieve the feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum, it has stress, or vomiting is a symptom of a serious illness. The main task of the owner is to find out the cause of this condition in time and, if necessary, have time to seek help from a veterinarian.

Let's try to diagnose the cause of vomiting

If your cat pushes foam with impurities of wool is the result of swallowing your own hairs. To prevent this from happening, you must regularly comb out the pet and monitor its cleanliness. To help the cat, you can give a teaspoon of vaseline oil - a wad of wool will come out of the body more easily.

There is a vomiting of green color - it's from the intestines that food has got into the stomach or a lot of bile has been released. Perhaps the cat recently ate the herbs, and in this situation the green color is normal. But often this is a sign of a serious infection.

If a cat has vomiting white foam, and it occurs once a day - this is normal and there is no reason to worry. This happens if the pet has a stomach empty. The food passed into the intestines, and in the stomach there was a secreted gastric juice - the walls of the stomach in this situation secrete mucus in order to protect against the erosion of the juice. When the mucus, juice and air are mixed - the foam is formed whitish. In the case when the cat nauseates with foam repeatedly - it can be a disease of the stomach.

At such vomiting it is necessary to consider a distemper and a panleukopenia . If the cat is suspected of a disease, the vomit mass has no leftovers, lumps of wool. The urge is frequent and does not become easier. Cats appear apathy, they do not want to eat anything. These diseases can lead to a fatal outcome of the animal if the treatment is not started on time.

Vomit with blood are found in two types - with impurities of fresh bright blood or a brownish thick mass. In the first case, it is a bleeding in the esophagus or in the mouth. In the second, stomach bleeding, possible causes: a cat swallowed a foreign object, it has a tumor or an ulcer, an exacerbation of gastritis, liver disease and much more.

A cat, which is waiting for replenishment, is vomiting , consisting of the remains of undeveloped food. Sometimes there is a white or yellow foam with food - this is a single vomiting, occurs after sleeping or receiving food.

As you can see, cat diseases are often accompanied by vomiting with or without foam. First aid for the initial symptoms of diseases is the cessation of feeding, water can be given if the animal is not worse from this, and also any absorbent. And, of course, if possible, take the cat to a specialist.