Diarrhea and vomiting in the dog

In each specific precedent of diarrhea and vomiting that has arisen in a dog, the degree of danger of these symptoms depends on the attendant factors.

Common causes of unwanted vomiting and diarrhea in the dog:

Forms of the disorder

Diarrhea and vomiting occur quite often in dogs, urgent treatment is required with accompanying symptoms of a viral infection, especially for young puppies.

If diarrhea and vomiting occur once or twice, and there is no risk of serious pathology, a general treatment will suffice. It is necessary to unload the intestines by fasting during the day with a sufficient amount of clean water. If vomiting and diarrhea does not resume, you can begin to feed the dog with digestible food - chicken fillet, boiled rice, low-fat cottage cheese. Give food in small portions every three hours.

You can use activated charcoal and astringent infusions of herbs - for example, sage, oak bark or St. John's wort.

Treatment for diarrhea and vomiting depends on whether they are represented by a short-term malfunction or a symptom of serious problems. In the event that there is no relief in one or two days, a specialist consultation is needed.

When the dog is vomiting with foam or bile, diarrhea with blood, or it does not stop for a long time, is accompanied by lethargy and fever, an urgent call of the veterinarian is needed. Especially dangerous are such conditions for puppies, it is important not to confuse poisoning with a viral disease, as a result of which literally on the third day the death of the baby may occur. For example, with viral enteritis, first a complete refusal of food occurs, after 6 hours, vomiting begins, then liquid stool with mucus, sometimes with blood.

If diarrhea is accompanied by a high, low temperature or secretions from the eyes, nose, cough - these are signs of a plague or various dangerous viruses. Often, diarrhea and the accompanying loss of appetite are caused by severe damage to the worms.

To prevent disorders, it is necessary to give the pet a high-quality feed, boiled meat, porridge. A puppy should not be allowed to rummage through rubbish, approach other animals, pick up something from the ground or drink from a puddle.

Regularly the pet should be bathed and examined for the absence of ticks and fleas. It is necessary to systematically make the dog the necessary vaccinations and to treat against helminths. This greatly protects him from dangerous ailments.